Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother In Law - Seven Problems That Mars Causes and Five Steps to Get Rid of These
Good afternoon. Yesterday, I learned about Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother In Law - Seven Problems That Mars Causes and Five Steps to Get Rid of These. Which could be very helpful if you ask me and you. Seven Problems That Mars Causes and Five Steps to Get Rid of TheseIt is quite likely that in any horoscope one or more planets will be settled in houses where they do not give favorable results. The degree of the adverse results will depend upon the impel of a planet and the houses owned by it. In this article we shall take a look at Mars and discuss acceptable medicinal measures.
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In Vedic astrology Mars is a noteworthy planet in as much as that it is the only planet that never categorically becomes 'Neech' (Loses his capacity to give beneficial results). This may sound strange because we know that Cancer happens to be the sign where Mars becomes Neech at 28 degrees. Any way when in Cancer, Mars is fourth from his Mool Trikon Rashi (primary sign) Aries and ninth from his other Rashi Scorpio. This is peculiar to Mars alone and doesn't happen with any other planet. It is for this surmise that for Cancer Lagna (ascendant) Mars remains a Yoga Karak (very beneficial planet) even when he is settled in Lagna in a Neech state.
Astrologically Mars is called Bhumi Putra in Sanskrit. This was a difficulty to most habitancy until contemporary science came up with the theory that Mars categorically broke off from earth when it collided with another heavenly body and the matter hived off into space became the genesis of Moon and Mars.
Significations of Mars
Mars signifies younger brother, blood, red color, base and rotten things, military activities, commerce, air journeys, cloth weaving and collective speaking. Intellectually he is the significator of logical and deductive thinking. Mars also signifies real estate in the form of buildings. (Undeveloped land comes under Saturn). He also represents independence, persistence and immature age.
Mars is masculine and malefic and rules over fire places, boilers, furnaces, urinary system, enemies, wounds, organizing capacity, executive ability, leadership over laborers and police department.
Materials governed by him are copper, metals, mines, minerals and ores, gold fields, coral, weapons, lands and tobacco.
Diseases caused by Mars are rupture of veins and arteries, diseases of the bone marrow, hemorrhage, abortions, menstrual disorders, gonorrhea, rheumatism, cuts, burns and muscle atrophy all come under Mars.
Mars is a Kshatriya (Warrior) by caste, is of Masculine sex and rules over southern Direction.(it is for this surmise that in Vastu Shastra (Hindu architecture) all heat producing implements like Hvac and kitchen are best sited in the south or southwest direction.)
Weakness of Mars
Under certain circumstances Mars loses his power to give favorable results. This can happen when Mars is combust or very close to Sun. In this state, Mars is said to be set. The Sanskrit term for this is Ast.
When conjunct with his arch enemies Saturn and Rahu, Mars tends to give bad results. A similar thing happens when he is settled in 6, 8 and 12 houses.
Whatever the reason, infirmity of Mars will create problems in all areas represented by him to some extent. Expanding affliction being responsible for Expanding distress.
Individual cases
Mars represents violence and blood spilling. When Mars is intimately linked to Ascendant and Ascendant lord, he makes one very violent. Moon represents mind, and Moon-Mars aggregate makes one mentally cruel. The fourth house and fourth lord also relate mind. If all factors or a majority of them occur in a chart, the someone is assuredly cruel and violent and will not hesitate to take a life to further his objectives.
For Aries ascendant, Mars becomes the Lagna and the eighth Lord. Both are houses of longevity. If such a Mars is linked with Rahu and Saturn, the life span suffers. The remedy will involve wearing a blood red Coral in a silver ring on the ring finger of the right hand and propitiation of the Rahu and Saturn straight through Mantra, Stotra fasting and donation.
For Aries ascendant, If Mars is settled in the fourth house, he generates the possibility of chest disease and loss of money. Happiness also takes a hit. Coral set in a silver ring helps.
For Scorpio ascendant, if Moon occupies it, Mars becomes a confirmed representative of blood because Moon herself represents blood. If Mars is then influenced by Rahu and Saturn, it is certain that blood and its flow will be adversely affected. A someone with this aggregate can suffer from leukemia and similar diseases. If Mars is settled in the eighth house, there may be danger to life. The remedy will involve a red colored coral set in a silver ring and worn on the ring finger of right hand. This will take care of the infirmity of Mars. The complications caused by Rahu and Saturn can be removed by mantra, fasting and donation.
Mars and disease
If Mars as Lagna Lord is settled in 6,8 or 12 houses, is influenced by Rahu and Saturn, and is not influenced by a benefic planet like Jupiter, full Moon or well connect Mercury, then there exists a strong possibility for muscle atrophy. The remedy as all the time is a coral ring.
Mars and children
If Mars and/or Ketu aspect the fifth house as well as the fifth lord and significator for sons, Jupiter also comes under this influence, there is commonly a question linked to children. Whether they are not there or their life is threatened. It must be remembered that Mars in the fifth house in Aries or Scorpio is not an guarnatee against what is mentioned above. Mars in the fifth house does not give favorable results. The remedy in this case would be to develop the fifth lord by wearing the gemstone linked to him. Mars in this case needs to be pacified straight through mantra, Stotra, fasting and donation.
If Aries or Scorpio Mars is in the fifth house, and Jupiter is afflicted, it will not be advisable to wear a Topaz to develop Jupiter. In such a case Mantra, fasting and donation will be needed for Jupiter also.
There is one certain succeed of the sway of Mars on the fifth house. Mars is the significator of constructive conception and deductive thinking. Fifth house among other things, is the house of potential to give sound advice. The combined succeed of the two makes one a thriving consultant.
Mars marriage - Manglik, Mangal or Kuja Dosh
The seventh house deals with male-female relationships, and in the Indian context, with marriage. For a marriage to be successful; the seventh house and its lord should be strong. Significators for marriage - Jupiter for females and Venus for males should also be strong. Any infirmity in any one of four factors will sacrifice Marital happiness
Mars as we all know is a potent Marak (killer) and kills quickly. There is no lingering death where Mars is involved. If the four factors mentioned above come under the sway of Mars it is quite likely that marriage will be cut short due to sudden death of one of the partners.
Mangal Dosh is a flaw which occurs when Mars occupies 1,4,7,8, 12 in a horoscope. Some astrologers also comprise second house in this list.
Mars aspects the fourth, seventh and eighth house from where he is placed. When settled in Lagna, he aspects the seventh straight through his seventh aspect. Fourth house Mars harms the seventh house straight through his fourth aspect. In the seventh house the damage is done by the very placement of Mars. The eighth house aspect falls on the second house. Mars when settled in the eighth house aspects the second house which is the house of longevity of the life partner and shortens his/her life span. In the case of twelfth house the eighth house aspect falls on the seventh house.
When Mars falls in any one of the houses mentioned above, one needs to be very just in matching charts of two people. Any carelessness can cost the incorporate dearly.
Exceptions and exemptions to Mangal Dosh
If the seventh lord and the significator for seventh house (either Jupiter or Venus) are strong, Mangal Dosh loses its sting.
If Mars is settled in the second house in his own house - Aries or Scorpio - then too the Dosh is cancelled as Mars categorically strengthens the house of marriage. Association and aspect of Saturn weakens Mars and cancels Manglik Dosh. another factor that cancels this Dosh is an highly high matching of charts in the Asht Koot theory (eight fold compatibility), the seventh lord Any way should be strong.
What one should not do in the case of Manglik Dosh
One must never wear a Coral under any circumstance. This will reinforce Mars and categorically growth the extent of the problem. The remedy lies in propitiation of Mars straight through Mantra, fasting and donation and reinforcing the seventh house lord straight through the acceptable gemstone.
Taurus Ascendant and Mars
For Taurus Ascendant Mars becomes neutral as he owns the twelfth and seventh houses and gives the results only of the seventh house. Mars loses his malefic nature by virtue of the rights of a Kendra. If therefore Mars happens to be weak, it is perfectly fine to wear a coral set in silver ring to develop marital prospects and health of the partner.
Mars and brother in law
Mars represents younger brother. In the case of Leo Ascendant Mars becomes the ninth lord which happens to be the third house from seventh, and represents wife's younger brother. If Mars is well settled and linked with planets cordial to him like Sun and Jupiter, brother in law becomes instrumental in bringing financial gains. This is even otherwise acceptable as Mars becomes Yoga Karak planet for Leo Ascendant. This is true for women also.
Remedies for Mars
Daily chanting of Rudra Sookt removes complications generated by Mars.
Another certain remedy is daily recital of Hanuman Chalisa and Ram Stuti.
Bhairav Mantra given below is also very helpful.
Om Hreem Batukaye Aapdu Dhharnaye Kuru Kuru Batukaye Hreem Om
I mentioned earlier that Mars's aspect on the fifth house does not allow easy conception and delivery. To get over this question one must get hold of Shri Surya Uvaach and do the following.
If despite being no problems with the reproductive system, a gravidity fails to occur, the woman desiring conception should wait for her menstruation duration to end, and on that day at the time of sunset, after a shower wear clean clothes. She should hold a tumbler (preferably copper) of water in her hands and chant the Shri Surya Uvaach Stotra seven times while facing the setting Sun. She should then drink that energized water. A gravidity will occur after a while. This process should continue even after gravidity and childbirth for a year. This puts a shield around the mother and child that saves them from all harm.
Remedy for Manglik Dosh
If the affliction to the seventh house, its lord and Jupiter in a girl's horoscope is severe, one can safely assume that the marriage is heading towards widowhood. In such cases it is advised that the girl be first married to Lord Vishnu or to Varun. This is a real marriage and is conducted with perfect Vedic rituals. A pitcher of water represents Varun the God of water. This removes the obstacles caused by Mars and leads to marital happiness.
Mangal Chandika Stotra
Mangal Chandika Dhyan, Mantra and Stuti are mentioned in Bramhavaivarta Puran, under Narayan Naradiya. If a girl has Manglik Dosh in her chart, she should chant the Dhyan Mantra and then offer red flowers and two fruits to the Goddess.
Follow by chanting this mantra 108 times.
Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Sarvpujye Devi Mangalchandike Hum Hum Phat Swaha
After this is done the main Stuti should be chanted. The perfect chant is available in the form of a booklet and can be had from most bookstores near major temples.
Mars can be pacified by adding red sandal wood to the bath water or by adding leaves and/or fruit of Bel tree.
Blood red Coral or white Coral
Copper pot, wheat, Masoor Dal, red flowers and Ghee.
Day of fasting
To a western mind most of the things mentioned above may appear strange and unbelievable. This is because it is completely immersed in the material aspect of this world and firmly believes that, what can not be felt does not exist.
This mindset fails to perceive that our eyes riposte to a very small spectrum of total energy that bathes this universe. Every planet has an energy signature which is unique to it. These radiations though subtle have a deep and long continuing impact on our body. This world is not what it appears to be.
The proof of the pudding as the saying goes, lies in its eating. Astrology exists, remedies exist and they have a very sound and logical underpinning. Any one who has a hard time believing that should sense a reading from an scholar astrologer. That should do the trick.
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