Narcissistic Personality - Narcissism in Relationships - 7 Signs of Narcissism in Your Partner
Hello everybody. Now, I learned about Narcissistic Personality - Narcissism in Relationships - 7 Signs of Narcissism in Your Partner. Which may be very helpful for me therefore you. Narcissism in Relationships - 7 Signs of Narcissism in Your PartnerRelationships have their challenges for everyone. With effort and commitment, two reasonably balanced and emotionally wholesome individuals can forge a relationship that is mutually supportive and fulfilling. However, there is a segment of the population that is hard wired with personality disorders. Narcissism is a disorder that often drives the affected personel to act in ways that are very destructive to intimate relationships. The non-disordered partner is often left feeling bewildered and hurt by his or her narcissistic partner's behavior. While only a licensed thinking condition professional can diagnose narcissism, it is helpful to know the signs. Here are 7 signs of narcissism:
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1. Lack of empathy. Your partner may not be able to put him or herself in the place of others. This often leads to behavior that is self serving and seemingly callous toward others.
2. A sense of entitlement. Your partner may expect to receive preferential treatment as a matter of course.
3. An elevated sense of self worth. Not simply a "big ego," the narcissist exaggerates accomplishments and may adopt a haughty, first-rate attitude toward others.
4. A preoccupation with ideals with regard to love, beauty, and power. Your partner may idealize and devalue others easily. One moment you may be on a pedestal, and then be determined worthless and discardable the next.
5. An extreme need for admiration. This craving is likened to an addicts desire for his or her drug of choice, in this case the "narcissistic supply."
6. Takes benefit of others without concern as to the consequences.
7. Is often jealous of the accomplishments of others, and believes others are jealous of his or her accomplishments as well. The narcissist may literally become enraged at other people's success.
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