Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother In Law - Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers - A Painful Psychological inheritance
Good morning. Now, I learned about Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother In Law - Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers - A Painful Psychological inheritance. Which could be very helpful if you ask me and also you. Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers - A Painful Psychological inheritanceThere are daughters of narcissistic mothers who have barely survived psychologically. In the extreme, there are daughters who starved themselves to death by anorexia as the only way they could find to recovery some small crumb of their existence. We know these daughters, even though their secrets of maternal deprivation and abuse are well camouflaged behind shining faces, glowing grades and strong expert portfolios. Trapped from early childhood, they are victims of a mom who was incapable of loving them.
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The narcissistic mom is psychologically fused with her daughter. Her coldness and lack of empathy influence her child from the beginning. These mothers touch their daughters, not as unique individuals, but as extensions of themselves.
Narcissistic mothers sabotage their daughters efforts to come to be detach efficient individuals. The narcissistic mom is envious of her daughter on every level. This becomes particularly pointed as her child moves into adolescence. Young men are beginning to take consideration and indicate that they are sexually attracted to this young woman. This puts the narcissistic mother's back up. She feels a gnawing envy in her gut to compete with her daughter. The mom undermines her child, telling her a series of lies that shake her daughter's confidence in her feminine identity.
The hypnotic hold a narcissistic mom has on her daughter can be so strong and pathological that the child doesn't know what she is thinking or feeling. The narcissistic mom takes full credit for her daughter's achievements at the same time that she permanently criticizes and demeans her child for using initiative or having creative ideas. The daughter who dares to think for herself or who moves toward psychological individuation is heavily criticized, labeled as a rebel and striped of any meaningful role in the family.
The narcissistic mom frequently causes superior and damaging psychological rifts in the middle of her children. Narcissistic mothers pit one sibling against the other and use conspiratorial secrets (often lies) to supplementary poison and destroy the relationships in the middle of her children.
She will select one child as the special one. Often this is a child who is particularly engaging physically, highly intelligent, or displays artistic or musical talent. This child is worshipped by the mother. The chosen child can do no wrong, even if he or she is cruel, mean and deceitful to others. The chosen child is the exquisite incarnation of the mother. The narcissistic mom chooses an additional one child as the loser. This daughter becomes the target and depot for the narcissistic mother's expression of her unconscious feelings of self hatred and worthlessness. This child is a living disposal for the narcissistic mother's toxic venom.
Narcissistic mothers are never satisfied. If the daughter receives B's in her classes, they could have been A's. "Just apply yourself, dear. What's the matter with you?" Narcissistic mothers are obsessed with image. If the target daughter is slightly overweight, the mom makes snide remarks about her child's body. You're looking a minute thick around the middle; your upper arms are on the chubby side. Your friend Sandra is nice and thin. If you watched what you ate, you could be engaging like she is." Narcissistic mothers are relentlessly cruel and critical. They would eye flaws in the exquisite daughter. This will always be true since the narcissistic mom suffers from a severe personality disorder. These individuals are completely self absorbed, cold, manipulative, deceitful, exploitive, and lacking in the slightest portion of human empathy.
Most daughters of narcissistic mothers survive this malignant abuse. They learn to block their strong emotions and dance to their mothers' tune to save themselves. Some daughters come to be highly rebellious, act out with drugs, alcohol or sex and leave the house prematurely.
Daughters of narcissistic mothers can heal straight through the work of psychotherapy. One of the first issues is acknowledging and grieving over the fact that they never had a real mother, man who loved them and cared about them as a separate, essential human being. Daughters learn that they are not their mothers. As horribly as they were treated, some daughters spend their lives forming dysfunctional relationships with men who seem their narcissistic mothers. They repeat the psychological patterns of childhood rather than work straight through the pain to transform it.
On the other side of the cauldron of transformation, daughters of narcissistic mothers are born for a second time. They are in touch with the loveliness of their bodies, the exquisite charm of their minds and psyches and the vast depth of their souls. Now, they feel authentic---fully alive.
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