How To Make Online Money From Forums - advice For Dreamers

More Results From » - How To Make Online Money From Forums - advice For Dreamers

Hello everybody. Today, I learned all about More Results From » - How To Make Online Money From Forums - advice For Dreamers. Which could be very helpful to me so you. How To Make Online Money From Forums - advice For Dreamers

Many citizen want to earn some money online. If you are one such private then you need to go straight through this article at least once. You can positively make online money from forums by following some easy steps. Blog owners and forum owners who are just beginning out and want to engage in an operation or want to attract traffic to their sites can positively originate good results in a relatively short period. So how do you best go about development online money from forums?

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More Results From »

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• A trained professional could assuredly offer you good, faultless facts regarding online money-making forums.

Besides all these points you must remember that development money online - however you do it - takes work and some dedication. You need an idea of how you are going to move forwards and then stick to this rigidly. An foremost thing to note here is that in order to make money online you need to learn some foremost work ethics. It is the only way to turn what you are doing into a success. You can pay money and work under the advice of a professional to hasten your results.

Money-making forums can be quite easy to handle, however you need to be very definite regarding your coming to it. You must make decisions according to your grand plan. If you find yourself struggling you can positively surf the net and look for advice in a multitude of locations. There will always be citizen who have faced similar difficulties at one time or another. Everything should be done in a planned and systematic way. You must ensure that interest in what you are posting is maintained by keeping your article fresh and relevant. development money online is not at all difficult if you choose the right options at the right time.

Online money-making forums can positively help you in generating some worthwhile cash. Re-read this article and get your head around the salient points. Most importantly, remember to have fun with your endeavours. Construction an online profile which generates income is very satisfying. See yourself where you would like to be but revel in the elements that will get you there. Rome wasn't built in a day!

I hope you receive new knowledge about More Results From ». Where you'll be able to put to use within your evryday life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about More Results From ».

Seven Problems That Mars Causes and Five Steps to Get Rid of These

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother In Law - Seven Problems That Mars Causes and Five Steps to Get Rid of These

Good afternoon. Yesterday, I learned about Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother In Law - Seven Problems That Mars Causes and Five Steps to Get Rid of These. Which could be very helpful if you ask me and you. Seven Problems That Mars Causes and Five Steps to Get Rid of These

It is quite likely that in any horoscope one or more planets will be settled in houses where they do not give favorable results. The degree of the adverse results will depend upon the impel of a planet and the houses owned by it. In this article we shall take a look at Mars and discuss acceptable medicinal measures.

What I said. It isn't the final outcome that the true about Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother In Law. You check this out article for information on an individual want to know is Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother In Law.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother In Law


In Vedic astrology Mars is a noteworthy planet in as much as that it is the only planet that never categorically becomes 'Neech' (Loses his capacity to give beneficial results). This may sound strange because we know that Cancer happens to be the sign where Mars becomes Neech at 28 degrees. Any way when in Cancer, Mars is fourth from his Mool Trikon Rashi (primary sign) Aries and ninth from his other Rashi Scorpio. This is peculiar to Mars alone and doesn't happen with any other planet. It is for this surmise that for Cancer Lagna (ascendant) Mars remains a Yoga Karak (very beneficial planet) even when he is settled in Lagna in a Neech state.

Astrologically Mars is called Bhumi Putra in Sanskrit. This was a difficulty to most habitancy until contemporary science came up with the theory that Mars categorically broke off from earth when it collided with another heavenly body and the matter hived off into space became the genesis of Moon and Mars.

Significations of Mars

Mars signifies younger brother, blood, red color, base and rotten things, military activities, commerce, air journeys, cloth weaving and collective speaking. Intellectually he is the significator of logical and deductive thinking. Mars also signifies real estate in the form of buildings. (Undeveloped land comes under Saturn). He also represents independence, persistence and immature age.

Mars is masculine and malefic and rules over fire places, boilers, furnaces, urinary system, enemies, wounds, organizing capacity, executive ability, leadership over laborers and police department.

Materials governed by him are copper, metals, mines, minerals and ores, gold fields, coral, weapons, lands and tobacco.

Diseases caused by Mars are rupture of veins and arteries, diseases of the bone marrow, hemorrhage, abortions, menstrual disorders, gonorrhea, rheumatism, cuts, burns and muscle atrophy all come under Mars.

Mars is a Kshatriya (Warrior) by caste, is of Masculine sex and rules over southern Direction.(it is for this surmise that in Vastu Shastra (Hindu architecture) all heat producing implements like Hvac and kitchen are best sited in the south or southwest direction.)

Weakness of Mars

Under certain circumstances Mars loses his power to give favorable results. This can happen when Mars is combust or very close to Sun. In this state, Mars is said to be set. The Sanskrit term for this is Ast.

When conjunct with his arch enemies Saturn and Rahu, Mars tends to give bad results. A similar thing happens when he is settled in 6, 8 and 12 houses.

Whatever the reason, infirmity of Mars will create problems in all areas represented by him to some extent. Expanding affliction being responsible for Expanding distress.

Individual cases

Mars represents violence and blood spilling. When Mars is intimately linked to Ascendant and Ascendant lord, he makes one very violent. Moon represents mind, and Moon-Mars aggregate makes one mentally cruel. The fourth house and fourth lord also relate mind. If all factors or a majority of them occur in a chart, the someone is assuredly cruel and violent and will not hesitate to take a life to further his objectives.

For Aries ascendant, Mars becomes the Lagna and the eighth Lord. Both are houses of longevity. If such a Mars is linked with Rahu and Saturn, the life span suffers. The remedy will involve wearing a blood red Coral in a silver ring on the ring finger of the right hand and propitiation of the Rahu and Saturn straight through Mantra, Stotra fasting and donation.

For Aries ascendant, If Mars is settled in the fourth house, he generates the possibility of chest disease and loss of money. Happiness also takes a hit. Coral set in a silver ring helps.

For Scorpio ascendant, if Moon occupies it, Mars becomes a confirmed representative of blood because Moon herself represents blood. If Mars is then influenced by Rahu and Saturn, it is certain that blood and its flow will be adversely affected. A someone with this aggregate can suffer from leukemia and similar diseases. If Mars is settled in the eighth house, there may be danger to life. The remedy will involve a red colored coral set in a silver ring and worn on the ring finger of right hand. This will take care of the infirmity of Mars. The complications caused by Rahu and Saturn can be removed by mantra, fasting and donation.

Mars and disease

If Mars as Lagna Lord is settled in 6,8 or 12 houses, is influenced by Rahu and Saturn, and is not influenced by a benefic planet like Jupiter, full Moon or well connect Mercury, then there exists a strong possibility for muscle atrophy. The remedy as all the time is a coral ring.

Mars and children

If Mars and/or Ketu aspect the fifth house as well as the fifth lord and significator for sons, Jupiter also comes under this influence, there is commonly a question linked to children. Whether they are not there or their life is threatened. It must be remembered that Mars in the fifth house in Aries or Scorpio is not an guarnatee against what is mentioned above. Mars in the fifth house does not give favorable results. The remedy in this case would be to develop the fifth lord by wearing the gemstone linked to him. Mars in this case needs to be pacified straight through mantra, Stotra, fasting and donation.

If Aries or Scorpio Mars is in the fifth house, and Jupiter is afflicted, it will not be advisable to wear a Topaz to develop Jupiter. In such a case Mantra, fasting and donation will be needed for Jupiter also.

There is one certain succeed of the sway of Mars on the fifth house. Mars is the significator of constructive conception and deductive thinking. Fifth house among other things, is the house of potential to give sound advice. The combined succeed of the two makes one a thriving consultant.

Mars marriage - Manglik, Mangal or Kuja Dosh

The seventh house deals with male-female relationships, and in the Indian context, with marriage. For a marriage to be successful; the seventh house and its lord should be strong. Significators for marriage - Jupiter for females and Venus for males should also be strong. Any infirmity in any one of four factors will sacrifice Marital happiness

Mars as we all know is a potent Marak (killer) and kills quickly. There is no lingering death where Mars is involved. If the four factors mentioned above come under the sway of Mars it is quite likely that marriage will be cut short due to sudden death of one of the partners.

Mangal Dosh is a flaw which occurs when Mars occupies 1,4,7,8, 12 in a horoscope. Some astrologers also comprise second house in this list.

Mars aspects the fourth, seventh and eighth house from where he is placed. When settled in Lagna, he aspects the seventh straight through his seventh aspect. Fourth house Mars harms the seventh house straight through his fourth aspect. In the seventh house the damage is done by the very placement of Mars. The eighth house aspect falls on the second house. Mars when settled in the eighth house aspects the second house which is the house of longevity of the life partner and shortens his/her life span. In the case of twelfth house the eighth house aspect falls on the seventh house.

When Mars falls in any one of the houses mentioned above, one needs to be very just in matching charts of two people. Any carelessness can cost the incorporate dearly.

Exceptions and exemptions to Mangal Dosh

If the seventh lord and the significator for seventh house (either Jupiter or Venus) are strong, Mangal Dosh loses its sting.

If Mars is settled in the second house in his own house - Aries or Scorpio - then too the Dosh is cancelled as Mars categorically strengthens the house of marriage. Association and aspect of Saturn weakens Mars and cancels Manglik Dosh. another factor that cancels this Dosh is an highly high matching of charts in the Asht Koot theory (eight fold compatibility), the seventh lord Any way should be strong.

What one should not do in the case of Manglik Dosh

One must never wear a Coral under any circumstance. This will reinforce Mars and categorically growth the extent of the problem. The remedy lies in propitiation of Mars straight through Mantra, fasting and donation and reinforcing the seventh house lord straight through the acceptable gemstone.

Taurus Ascendant and Mars

For Taurus Ascendant Mars becomes neutral as he owns the twelfth and seventh houses and gives the results only of the seventh house. Mars loses his malefic nature by virtue of the rights of a Kendra. If therefore Mars happens to be weak, it is perfectly fine to wear a coral set in silver ring to develop marital prospects and health of the partner.

Mars and brother in law

Mars represents younger brother. In the case of Leo Ascendant Mars becomes the ninth lord which happens to be the third house from seventh, and represents wife's younger brother. If Mars is well settled and linked with planets cordial to him like Sun and Jupiter, brother in law becomes instrumental in bringing financial gains. This is even otherwise acceptable as Mars becomes Yoga Karak planet for Leo Ascendant. This is true for women also.

Remedies for Mars

Daily chanting of Rudra Sookt removes complications generated by Mars.

Another certain remedy is daily recital of Hanuman Chalisa and Ram Stuti.

Bhairav Mantra given below is also very helpful.

Om Hreem Batukaye Aapdu Dhharnaye Kuru Kuru Batukaye Hreem Om

I mentioned earlier that Mars's aspect on the fifth house does not allow easy conception and delivery. To get over this question one must get hold of Shri Surya Uvaach and do the following.

If despite being no problems with the reproductive system, a gravidity fails to occur, the woman desiring conception should wait for her menstruation duration to end, and on that day at the time of sunset, after a shower wear clean clothes. She should hold a tumbler (preferably copper) of water in her hands and chant the Shri Surya Uvaach Stotra seven times while facing the setting Sun. She should then drink that energized water. A gravidity will occur after a while. This process should continue even after gravidity and childbirth for a year. This puts a shield around the mother and child that saves them from all harm.

Remedy for Manglik Dosh

If the affliction to the seventh house, its lord and Jupiter in a girl's horoscope is severe, one can safely assume that the marriage is heading towards widowhood. In such cases it is advised that the girl be first married to Lord Vishnu or to Varun. This is a real marriage and is conducted with perfect Vedic rituals. A pitcher of water represents Varun the God of water. This removes the obstacles caused by Mars and leads to marital happiness.

Mangal Chandika Stotra

Mangal Chandika Dhyan, Mantra and Stuti are mentioned in Bramhavaivarta Puran, under Narayan Naradiya. If a girl has Manglik Dosh in her chart, she should chant the Dhyan Mantra and then offer red flowers and two fruits to the Goddess.

Follow by chanting this mantra 108 times.

Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Sarvpujye Devi Mangalchandike Hum Hum Phat Swaha

After this is done the main Stuti should be chanted. The perfect chant is available in the form of a booklet and can be had from most bookstores near major temples.

Mars can be pacified by adding red sandal wood to the bath water or by adding leaves and/or fruit of Bel tree.




Blood red Coral or white Coral


Copper pot, wheat, Masoor Dal, red flowers and Ghee.

Day of fasting


To a western mind most of the things mentioned above may appear strange and unbelievable. This is because it is completely immersed in the material aspect of this world and firmly believes that, what can not be felt does not exist.

This mindset fails to perceive that our eyes riposte to a very small spectrum of total energy that bathes this universe. Every planet has an energy signature which is unique to it. These radiations though subtle have a deep and long continuing impact on our body. This world is not what it appears to be.

The proof of the pudding as the saying goes, lies in its eating. Astrology exists, remedies exist and they have a very sound and logical underpinning. Any one who has a hard time believing that should sense a reading from an scholar astrologer. That should do the trick.

I hope you will get new knowledge about Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother In Law. Where you'll be able to offer easy use in your daily life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Narcissistic Personality Disorder Mother In Law.

Narcissism in Relationships - 7 Signs of Narcissism in Your Partner

Narcissistic Personality - Narcissism in Relationships - 7 Signs of Narcissism in Your Partner

Hello everybody. Now, I learned about Narcissistic Personality - Narcissism in Relationships - 7 Signs of Narcissism in Your Partner. Which may be very helpful for me therefore you. Narcissism in Relationships - 7 Signs of Narcissism in Your Partner

Relationships have their challenges for everyone. With effort and commitment, two reasonably balanced and emotionally wholesome individuals can forge a relationship that is mutually supportive and fulfilling. However, there is a segment of the population that is hard wired with personality disorders. Narcissism is a disorder that often drives the affected personel to act in ways that are very destructive to intimate relationships. The non-disordered partner is often left feeling bewildered and hurt by his or her narcissistic partner's behavior. While only a licensed thinking condition professional can diagnose narcissism, it is helpful to know the signs. Here are 7 signs of narcissism:

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Narcissistic Personality

1.       Lack of empathy. Your partner may not be able to put him or herself in the place of others. This often leads to behavior that is self serving and seemingly callous toward others.

2.      A sense of entitlement. Your partner may expect to receive preferential treatment as a matter of course.

3.      An elevated sense of self worth. Not simply a "big ego," the narcissist exaggerates accomplishments and may adopt a haughty, first-rate attitude toward others.

4.      A preoccupation with ideals with regard to love, beauty, and power. Your partner may idealize and devalue others easily. One moment you may be on a pedestal, and then be determined worthless and discardable the next. 

5.      An extreme need for admiration. This craving is likened to an addicts desire for his or her drug of choice, in this case the "narcissistic supply."

6.      Takes benefit of others without concern as to the consequences.

7.      Is often jealous of the accomplishments of others, and believes others are jealous of his or her accomplishments as well. The narcissist may literally become enraged at other people's success.

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Don't Just Survive Narcissistic Abuse! - Thrive!

Narcissistic Personality - Don't Just Survive Narcissistic Abuse! - Thrive!

Good morning. Now, I discovered Narcissistic Personality - Don't Just Survive Narcissistic Abuse! - Thrive!. Which may be very helpful in my experience so you. Don't Just Survive Narcissistic Abuse! - Thrive!

There are countless numbers of victims who have experienced some type of narcissistic abuse who come to my Website each day for hold and understanding. There is a pain that runs so deep one can hardly conceive of it unless they, themselves, have gone straight through such a horror.

What I said. It shouldn't be the actual final outcome that the true about Narcissistic Personality . You check this out article for facts about an individual need to know is Narcissistic Personality .

Narcissistic Personality

The Mayo Clinic says Narcissistic personality disorder is a thinking disorder in which population have an inflated sense of their own point and a deep need for admiration. They believe that they're classic to others and have slight regard for other people's feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a brittle self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

Those who are effected the deepest are those who have formed the closest bonds with the narcissistic personality. The closer one gets, the deeper the risk for the narcissist of being found out. He projects his wounded self onto the ones who love him the most and punishes them for exposing his weaknesses. The punishment can be seen as cold, aloof, distant, lashing out, criticizing, condemning, belittling, undermining and more. Although this charmer may be sugar sweet in public, behind ended doors he can be a monster.

The most sign one is in a narcissistic connection is the confusion. The victim is often very confused as to what is authentically happening and will even take personal responsibility for the insanity. Narcissism is seldom obvious, but always destructive. It is a destructive force in the universe seducing and destroying all in its immediate path.

Those recovering from narcissistic abuse envy the seduction stage. They remember how sweet it was and long for those times when they still had faith in the relationship. Now the faith is gone, the narcissism is in its full blown glory and there is no escaping the vengeance of this maddening disorder as the narcissist does all within his power to make his partner or old partner pay for his pain.

When victims have adequate of the payback, they run for cover and seek help to get the narcissism out of their lives once and for all.

As sick as this situation is, I encourage victims of narcissistic abuse to shuck their victim status and begin to see themselves as not just survivors but thrivers. I teach them to find the good in their situation even if the good is studying to say "no more!" When one says "No" to abuse, it is a big step; one to be celebrated. I advent saving from a metaphysical perspective teaching my clients to look for the "higher purpose" for their connection with the narcissist. In a sense the narcissist is a catalyst for change, creating a situation that wholly erodes ones self-esteem forcing the "former victim" to find herself in the aftermath of the storm. She must pick up all the pieces and reassemble them, but in a whole new way. She gets to select how she wants those pieces to come back together.

Seeing oneself as a victim keeps one from ever authentically becoming empowered. When we can look at our situation and see that we played a part in creating it and we can play a bigger part in creating a much great life, we don't feel so powerless. We can't take responsibility for the narcissist or his behavior but we can authentically take responsibility for just how much we allow it to destroy us. In fact we can make the decision today that it will no longer have the power to destroy us, regardless of the circumstances. His power isn't real! It is illusionary!

It is leading for us to take our own inventory to see where are strengths are and also our weaknesses. Knowing who we are on a deeper level serves as ammunition to prevent additional abuse. It also helps us to comprehend that all those things our abuser said about us were not authentically true. It was naturally a projection. As we take note of our strengths we can call upon them to help us build a narcissism free life.

Sometimes it takes a great storm to facilitate our awakening. We can thank the narcissist for playing the role of this storm that activated our deepest insecurities and exposed our most vulnerabilites. Now we have the chance to develop a formerly weak and brittle area. We have an chance to impose our boundaries and re-define ourselves. Life can become great than it ever was as a succeed of our newly defined self! We can move beyond narcissism and not only survive, but thrive!

I hope you have new knowledge about Narcissistic Personality . Where you may put to utilization in your day-to-day life. And most importantly, your reaction is passed about Narcissistic Personality .

Verbal Abuse - A Sample Letter From My Own Life

Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms - Verbal Abuse - A Sample Letter From My Own Life

Hello everybody. Today, I learned all about Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms - Verbal Abuse - A Sample Letter From My Own Life. Which is very helpful in my experience so you. Verbal Abuse - A Sample Letter From My Own Life

Many population do not even know that they are being abused verbally or emotionally. I was one of those people. I belief that everybody was being treated like I was. I belief that everybody was walking on eggshells afraid of how their spouses were going to react.

What I said. It isn't the final outcome that the true about Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms. You look at this article for facts about what you wish to know is Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms.

Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms

Abusers come in all shapes and sizes. They can be a male or a female. They can be a parent or a spouse. I am using my personal example of my ex-husband of twenty one years of marriage.

There were good days when we could sit and laugh and talk about things that were important to both of us. When those days would come, I would relax and enjoy myself but I was all the time guarded. When was the next blow-up? How would I react? What would he say? Where would the children be? How long could I hold my tears in so my children wouldn't consideration that I was crying again?

No-one knows what triggers an abuser to come to be hostile. It may be a memory of a past incident that they had experienced. It may be a chemical imbalance. Most of the time, an abuser will scream and shout and come to be demeaning because they have sense defeat and the loss of control.

When they are happy, they will plan to have a picnic at the beach or go for a swim with the children. They are all the time looking for approval because if you don't comply, there is all the time a price to pay.

Here is an actual letter that I received only one day after my abuser apologized for the pain that he caused me. In that same conversation, he cried and begged me to come back to him. He said that when he lost me, he lost everything, and if he cannot have me back, he will determine for anyone because he hates being alone.

"You crossed the line embarrassed me in front of J...she think that you have me wrapped colse to your finger.... And this how you treat I am some sort of door mat. One of the biggest imagine for fight with S is my relationship with you....and it looks like it will has started of the same way with J....I will not allow this happen this time...and I will not allow you to take that away. All things is all the time your fault. I will go to J at least she has respect for me...or at least she did before you walked into that room yesterday....flexing your muscles.

So you are now promoted to the lowest of the food chain...There are you happy now...this is what you are after...see what happens when you stand up... I still have to take your bull shit. I can do anything. You are nothing to me. I am pushing back. You are a chicken. You can't even fight me. Wait and see now what is going to happen to you"

If this letter rings a bell or touches a chord, you may be in an abusive relationship. The first step to curative is recognizing and identifying the situation for what it is. If you feel your relationship may be verbally and emotionally abusive, talk to population you trust. Talk to clergy, call your local battered women's shelter, educate yourself, seek pro help. Do not allow verbal and emotional abuse to escalate to battery!

I hope you receive new knowledge about Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms. Where you'll be able to offer used in your everyday life. And most significantly, your reaction is passed about Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms.

My perceive With a Narcissistic Boss

Narcissistic Mother In Law - My perceive With a Narcissistic Boss

Good afternoon. Today, I discovered Narcissistic Mother In Law - My perceive With a Narcissistic Boss. Which is very helpful if you ask me and you. My perceive With a Narcissistic Boss

Narcissists have an exaggerated image of themselves and require constant feedback to by comparison their perceived omnipotence. They refuse to accept blame, will manipulate citizen and events for their own self-serving purposes, and react with rage when their omnipotence is questioned or threatened. It is estimated that less than one percent of the citizen suffers from narcissistic personality disorder (Npd). Most narcissists, about 75 percent, are men. With a world citizen of approximately 6.5 billion people, about 16,250,000 narcissists are female. I had the unpleasant sense of working for one of them. I found it hard to reconcile in my mind how this woman could be gregarious and personable exterior the office and be indifferent, demanding, and hard to please when not surrounded by an adoring and fawning audience until I discovered the definition of Npd about a year ago.

What I said. It shouldn't be the actual final outcome that the real about Narcissistic Mother In Law. You check out this article for info on what you want to know is Narcissistic Mother In Law.

Narcissistic Mother In Law

A narcissist requires inordinate admiration and will place themselves in a position to receive it. Narcissists are experts at making citizen admire them. Time and again I witnessed citizen fall under the spell of this woman's grandiose and exuberant tales of successes, one-up-man-ships, unequaled brilliance, and self-confidence. Typical of a narcissist, she is adept at becoming the center of attentiveness in any circumstance and can be quite charming. Early in my exposure to her I, too, fell under her spell. I was in awe of man who demanded and received suitable priority medicine from everyone. Straight through my relationship with her I met television personalities and national government figures. I also heard her malign and ridicule those same citizen when they did not jump at the chance to do her bidding. When a television personality's program did not permit him to make a reappearance at our national conference, he was referred to as a sawed-off little twerp who is more involved with his television ratings than in helping the law compulsion profession. When the attorney general refused to take her grant request out of the chain of command and push it for approval, he was called a Mexican yes-man with no backbone.

Narcissists demonstrate arrogant and haughty attitudes coupled with rage when contradicted or questioned. My introductory first-hand sense with this occurred when, during a cordial after-work drink, our boss asked a co-worker and me what needed to be changed to make the office run smoother. Innocently believing that she truly wanted our input, we told her. Unbeknown to us, our observations and recommendations were perceived as criticisms of her. Narcissists do not accept blame or admit errors; anyone is wrong is man else's fault. Narcissists are indeed offended and will harbor grudges. She controlled her rage that evening, but my co-worker and I were assaulted by it for the next two months as we bore the brunt of her rudeness, impossible demands, and constant unwarranted criticisms.

Time and again I witnessed new employees grow tired of the constant barrage of boastfulness and arrogance as they began needing and demanding true advice and supervision. Narcissists will sell out being liked to accomplish admiration and have little use for those who are no longer enthralled. Narcissistic bosses are prone to temper tantrums, especially if a subordinate displays abilities that might overshadow the boss's abilities or indicate any independent thought. Narcissists do not talk other's contributions. More than one employee has look on more than one chance that a uncomplicated "thank you" or "job well done" would be a welcome respite from the turbulent climate that pervades the office. She constantly criticizes employees behind their backs to other employees to insure that those who do a good job get little respect from their co-workers.

Narcissists will manipulate citizen and events to make themselves look good. I have never known such an master conniver as this woman. From pitting employees against each other to re-writing history, this woman is an master at manipulation. anyone who questions her motives or contradicts her recollections will suffer her rage. Typical of a narcissist, she is so adept at using citizen to accomplish her personal desires that the man is not aware they are being used. A typical example of this is her penchant for hiring citizen totally unqualified for the job. She sets them up for failure so that she can later belittle them for their inabilities. She also hires citizen who are not only unqualified but who also have personal problems. Old employees have included pregnant and unmarried women, citizen with a history of substance abuse, and citizen with emotional problems. Those employees were grateful to be "rescued" and provided the adoration and worship that a narcissist craves. They were all totally surprised when, some months after their hiring, she no longer required their single type of adoration and fired them for their incompetence. Narcissists are socially maladaptive, constantly changing the rules and introducing new variables. Employees of a narcissist never have a clear photo of what is startling of them because the expectations are in a constant state of flux. My co-workers and I refer to the constantly turbulent office environment as "mood of the moment" management.

Narcissists are great actors. A narcissist can appear to be the exquisite manager, fooling those he reports to while treating employees more like robots than human beings, setting unrealistic goals and talking down to them. The narcissist uses subtle brainwashing and controlling techniques to keep employees in their subservient place while appearing to others to be a fair, caring, and competent manager. Last year a member of the board of directors, one of the "adoring worshippers", left that position and became an employee. She quit after just six months, disillusioned and disappointed after seeing for herself what this woman is indeed like as a boss and knowing this narcissist puts on an act for her board of directors. Her ability to connive and manipulate insures that the only citizen who serve on the board of directors are pliable and naïve adorers.

A narcissist thrives in a position of authority. His subordinates provide a never-ending provide of the awe, fear, admiration, adoration, and obedience that are required. An employee who fails to provide this needed fodder is soon devalued by the narcissistic boss. This also feeds the narcissist's need to show the world how they must cope all because they can depend on no one. When this woman goes off on tangents complaining that she must cope all on all nine desks because the employees are so incompetent, some of us criticism that she has climbed back up on the cross. One record I read described a narcissistic leader as a monstrously inverted Jesus who believes he is sacrificing his life because no one else can perhaps be grand to do the job.

It is difficult to identify a narcissist. It took me over twelve years to identify the underlying cause of this woman's erratic behavior. Narcissists can be involving personalities. Only on close observation does it become apparent that the narcissist is selfish, self-absorbed, defensive, emotionally needy, and willing to step on everyone to accomplish their goals. Because of the instability of the situation and the constant high tension and resulting stress, it is not uncommon for employees of narcissistic bosses to found high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, gastro-intestinal problems, Post Traumatic Stress symptoms, and other maladies. For nearly fourteen years I watched my co-workers found one or an additional one of these conditions. Narcissists will never admit they have a problem or seek medicine voluntarily, and the behavior seems to get worse over time. I at last learned to play the game with her to keep the peace until I could take off myself from her emotionally unhealthy workplace environment.


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Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - The Two Faces of Narcissism

Narcissistic Personality - Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - The Two Faces of Narcissism

Hello everybody. Yesterday, I found out about Narcissistic Personality - Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - The Two Faces of Narcissism. Which may be very helpful in my experience and you. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - The Two Faces of Narcissism

The narcissist has the single ability to gift two thoroughly different personas to different segments of population that he interacts with and to get away with this "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hydean" pattern of behavior.

What I said. It shouldn't be the actual final outcome that the true about Narcissistic Personality . You look at this article for facts about what you wish to know is Narcissistic Personality .

Narcissistic Personality

When in his Dr. Jekyll mode he is charming, seemingly thoughtful and downright charismatic. This mode is presented to the normal collective and individuals he is wooing either or not the wooing is personal and even sexual or purely business or even politics. A "good" narcissist could often be prosperous as a pro actor and in fact is performing effectively on the "stage of life."

The Mr. Hyde mode surfaces when the narcissist is in what he perceives as a safe harbor where he can get away with outrageous and abusive behavior. Safe harbors contain the privacy of his home and the environment of his own business where he has real or perceived power to control other population without fear of being exposed.

Another form of the two faces of narcissism is in the financial arena. Narcissistic businessmen often get away with simultaneously "stiffing" many creditors while nothing else but raising money from others. This is done by ingenious structuring of cut off legal entities which can range from local little liability companies to off-shore companies. At any given time there is a favorite exotic off-shore "location du jour" either it be the Cayman Islands or more recently, the Isle of Man.

Whether it is one's personal or pro life, it is prominent for the victims of these two-faced narcissists to identify these patterns of behavior so as to better safe themselves.

I hope you have new knowledge about Narcissistic Personality . Where you can put to utilization in your day-to-day life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about Narcissistic Personality .

Am I the Narcissist? A Look at Inverted Narcissism

Narcissistic Personality - Am I the Narcissist? A Look at Inverted Narcissism

Good afternoon. Today, I discovered Narcissistic Personality - Am I the Narcissist? A Look at Inverted Narcissism. Which may be very helpful to me and also you. Am I the Narcissist? A Look at Inverted Narcissism

In my work with victims of narcissistic abuse I am more often than not asked the same question: "How do I know I'm not the Narcissist?"

What I said. It is not the conclusion that the true about Narcissistic Personality . You read this article for home elevators that want to know is Narcissistic Personality .

Narcissistic Personality

When I asked my own therapist this inquire so many years ago she answered "If you were the narcissist you wouldn't be request that question, because narcissist's won't see that the qoute is with them." They are too busy projecting the issues onto those colse to them.

However our own narcissism is an issue worth exploring in more detail. For example: Why do we ask that inquire to begin with. What is it that makes us feel we are the narcissist?

In talking to a client today I had a big realization. She was telling me how she was all the time disappointed in her previous boyfriends or partners. They just didn't measure up to her expectations. As we dug a minute deeper she explained how she has wavered between feelings of superiority and feelings of inferiority. She has built her own illusion or idea of who she was which in her own reality placed herself upon a pedestal. So in a sense she was doing the same thing a narcissistic personality would do. She sheltered herself from her feelings of inferiority by placing herself upon a pedestal. That pedestal created a false confidence.

So when the narcissistic personality comes into her life her false belief is initially mirrored by the narcissist who reflects to her the image worthy of the pedestal she has placed herself upon. But as the association progresses her feelings of inferiority are triggered as he projects his own inferiority upon her. Now she is experiencing the feeling of having her mate disappointed in her inadequacy just as she has been disappointed in past partners for their inadequacy.

What is the dissimilarity than between the narcissistic partner and the one who feels abused? Compassion and Empathy! The client I was talking to today, identified with her partners feelings of superiority and also with his feelings of inadequacy. She had empathy for him. She didn't want to see him hurt because she knows how painful it is to caress those same kinds of feelings. A pathological narcissist could give a rip about his partners hurt feelings. He is only implicated with himself and his own needs.

The inverted narcissist, as Sam Vaknin calls it, is the exquisite match for the pathological narcissist. Because when their false selves meet, the illusion of who they believe themselves to be is reinforced to a point where it may feel like Cinderella meeting her prince who takes her out of her hell hole, where she is made to wear rags and sweep ashes all day. Suddenly she is swept off her feet, she fits the glass slipper perfectly, and is carried off to the Castle adorned with beautiful gowns and riches fit for the queen she is.

Perhaps in this fairy tale, Cinderella all the time fantasized herself to be a queen, but she lived the reality of being an ash maiden. She was ridiculed and condemned by those colse to her and made to feel unworthy of the good things in life. But she would show them someday. She would show them she was de facto a queen.

For those of us who come from painful childhoods where we were somehow made to feel inferior, we can de facto originate fantasy worlds where we fly into never never land. We imagine ourselves as fairy princesses and imagine our prince riding up on a white horse and sweeping us off our feet, carrying us from our humble reality to a great castle where we are treated as a queen should be treated.

In the psychic realm the psychosis of the pathological narcissist is a great match for the fantasy world of the inverted narcissist. Because in the world of make believe a great fantasy is created where the King and the Queen of never never land get together and ride off into the sunset. It is such a beautiful love story, in the beginning.

But all glass slippers finally break and so do the glass houses the "ideal" incorporate reside in. There love is not built on whatever real, but rather an illusion of perfection created by both parties. She is saying "be my prince" and he is saying "be my queen." But once they decree into the Castle the true selves begin to emerge. The feelings of inferiority begin to surface. Both partners don't de facto want to be found out, less they risk losing their status upon that pedestal. "What if she finds out I'm de facto a frog?" He might think. And she might wonder "what if he knows the truth of me, that I'm only an ash sweeper?"

The narcissistic dance is de facto a dance of ego's. It is an fly from the true self. For the true self has never been discovered and cultivated. The narcissistic facade is a preservation of the ego that needs to appear larger than it is. From that wounded minute child he inflates his lowly sense of self into something others would envy. He strives for greatness, not for the sake of the task but for revenge against those who would mock him for his inferiority.

We see this scenario played out often in the movies where the ugly geek grows into the beautiful swan or the handsome prince and is the envy of those who used to taunt him. But inside he may still feel like the ugly duckling. A true pathological narcissist is so clever at hiding from that ugly duckling within that he hides it from himself. He is no longer de facto aware of those feelings. He is cut off from them. Where his victim is likely very much in touch with those feelings. She feels the depth of the pain being triggered by his poor rehabilitation and lack of consideration for her. It triggers all those feelings of unworthiness that she has been running from most of her life.

If the inverted narcissist doesn't grab this chance for self-reflection and personal growth she will likely just fall back into her old ways and re-create a similar scenario. But the chance is there for a great transformation. One that comes from truly embracing the self and becoming real! We peel away the layers of who we are not and cultivate the truth of who we are. This begins with embracing that minute wounded child who has been rejected, taunted, teased and made to feel inferior in so many ways. We can begin by having compassion for that child within in the same way we found ourselves having compassion for the narcissist in our lives.

Once we own that rejected part of ourselves there is no longer a need to hide her from the world behind a fantasy illusion. We no longer need to be seen as "the queen" but are alright with just being ordinary. Ironically once we accept our ordinary-ness we de facto do begin to stand out, for real. Because we stop trying to be something we are not and start accepting who we de facto are. Our true selves all the time carry the greatest light.

As I work with more and more victims of narcissistic abuse I begin to see Narcissism as the catalyst for personal transformation. The narcissistic abuse spirals us into our deepest, most fragile aspect of self, the wounded, rejected child within. I used to believe we were just taking on the projection of the narcissist, but I'm advent to realize this isn't true. This is the very part of the narcissist we identify with. He too has the same cast away, lost, rejected inner child, covered over by an illusion of grandiosity. So our work is not to naturally stop taking on the projections of the narcissist in our lives, but rather allowing ourselves to make that decent into the deepest, darkest places within our psyche and rescuing that rejected child within.

Ironically once we accept our inadequacies, we no longer feel so inadequate. We come to understand that nobody is perfect, along with us. We make mistakes, we have faults, we have areas where we are ashamed of ourselves, and now we naturally admit these realizations to ourselves. Instead of taking the list of the narcissist in our lives we take our own list and list the areas where we have deceived ourselves. When we ultimately see that being imperfect is being real, we accept ourselves just the way we are and stop trying to be something we are not.

Becoming real is a process. I call it growing up. We peel away those layers of who we are not, in order to refine who we de facto are. And...we come to see ourselves as beautiful even with our flaws. In actuality it is our flaws that make us unique and beautiful. Perfection is the illusion!

We may be angry initially that we are cast into the deep pain of self reflection and personal growth while the narcissist is off in someone else fairy tale; but instead of envying him for his ignorance, we should instead thank him for the gift he has given us. He has brought us to our true selves. The pain of discovery may be great initially, but it is well worth the journey, because now we can truly live and we can truly love. Once we accept the imperfections in ourselves we can accept the imperfections of our future mates and have a much greater chance for real love.

I hope you receive new knowledge about Narcissistic Personality . Where you can put to easy use in your day-to-day life. And most importantly, your reaction is passed about Narcissistic Personality .

100 Domestic Violence Facts

Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms - 100 Domestic Violence Facts

Hi friends. Yesterday, I found out about Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms - 100 Domestic Violence Facts. Which is very helpful in my experience and also you. 100 Domestic Violence Facts

1. Japan is known for being big on video-games, as a matter of fact they even have a "Domestic Violence Video Game.

What I said. It shouldn't be the final outcome that the actual about Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms. You read this article for facts about a person need to know is Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms.

Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms

2. Dv, Spousal Abuse and intimate partner abuse statistics come from only two major sources, department Data and study Data. The qoute with the data is that it is biased because it is too varied, complicated and partially unvolunteering.

3 Fact: Dv shelters funded by the Federal Government are not required to furnish facts and do not, facts about what they do, how many numbers in or out is unknown, statistics and algorythims are not recorded, this does not help resolve if domestic violence is rising or decreasing.

4. Legally and fully married couples report less than 5% of domestic violence calls and are less violent than the more unstable and unbonded relationship.

5. A Cdc (center for disease control) study found that 50 percent of all spousal violence was mutual making Partner aggression two-way.

6. 75% of domestic violence is caused by drug addicts.

7. Pets such as dogs, cats, etc are affected by Domestic Violence just as much as humans.

8. More than 50% of spousal Abusers also abuse their children.

9. Domestic violence occurs in both Religious and Non Religious families.

10. Spousal Abuse occurs in poor, middle class, rich and in wealthy families although lower wage families are more likely to feel it.

11. It was illegal for a man to hit his wife after 9 P.M. In London ( meaning it was ok before 9 P.M.) reasoning was that women needed time to rest in order to do house chores.

12. Domestic Violence is a disease as it can be transmitted from one generation to the other.

13. Battered women shelters serve more children than they do women.

14. All Abusers do in fact feel guilt and are afraid of being caught.

15. Statistics on Domestic Violence are not precise, never have been and never will be. However, statistics truly can become more accurate.

16. Women can truly withhold themselves if they leave a domestic violence relationship, even if they believe otherwise. There are many programs available for Dv victims.

17. When a victim decides to leave and gets caught is when they are in the most danger.

18. Domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness nationally.

19. 25 % of all violent crimes reported in the Uk are domestic violence related.

20. Domestic Violence claims the life of 2 women a week minimum, based on what is reported.

21. Often it is mocked, deemed foolish and comic when a man claims being a victim of domestic violence, however studies show that men lose their life to domestic violence at similar rates as women do.

22. Sure types of Abusers can be very well liked socially, can seem very nice out of the home debunking any claims the victim may have and making them feel Non-Credible.

23. 63% percent of all murders committed by boys in the middle of the ages of 11 straight through 20 kill their mother's Abuser.

24. Every State in the U.S. Has a State coalition against domestic violence.

25. Domestic Violence can happen to anyone, even Oprah was once a victim and celebrities are enduringly on the map for it.

26. Stoppage and study of Dv is not taught in schools, If you know of a school that does have classes please reply here.

27. Police, Correctional, F.B.I, and High Ranking officials can also be Abuser's of Domestic Violence.

28. Men can be just as afraid of women in intimate partner relationships.

29. Men are less likely to report abuse as victims due to embarrassment, stigmas, credibility and nothing has been done to encourage it.

30. Every 15 seconds a woman is assaulted by a boyfriend her husband or a lover, every 14 seconds the same happens to a man ( Fox 2 News )

31. There are 1500 Shelters for women in the United States and 3500 Animal Shelters, this is true there are more Animal Shelters.

32. Court ordered Domestic Violence courses and classes are not all the time prosperous and Do Not guarantee the abuse will stop, however it can and does help.

33. Professionals such as, Doctors, Lawyers, Police Officers, Ministers, Psychologists also beat their wives.

34. Stopping an Abuser's Drug and or Alcohol qoute will not stop their abusive patterns, they are two detach entities although drug and alcohol use does make abuse more likely.

35. Many assaults are planned, premeditated and can last for hours.

36. Abuser's target Non graphic part of the body and even when bruises are graphic the victim ordinarily manages to cover up the bruise.

37. An abuser will attack a women in the stomach while she is pregnant as it manipulates the woman drastically as she does not want her baby hurt. This is what I call the 2 in 1, abusing 2 habitancy with one stone.

38. Police nearnessy can make a woman even more vulnerable, because once the police is gone and the integrate are back together, the victim will have to pay the consequences.

39. Domestic and house violence kills just as many women every 5 years as the estimate of Americans killed in the Vietnam War agreeing to (The Domestic Violence Sourcebook, Berry, 1996)

40. Just 17 states kept data on reported domestic violence offenses in 1991, agreeing to this report: (Senate Judiciary Committee Report, October 1992)

41. Domestic Violence is the leading cause of death of women in the United States of America, agreeing to the Us Surgeon General.

42. Among causes of injury to women combined such as muggings, rape, Car Accidents, slips and falls, work related injuries, Battering would be the leader of the pack being the singular largest cause of injury to women nationally.

43. 30 % of all Domestic Violence incidents involve weapons.

44. 80% of Ohio prisoners come from homes where domestic violence was an issue, this includes juveniles as well as adults.

45. Domestic Violence is not an anger control, however the victim may be led to believe so.

46. Children are aware of the Dv in their home, even if it is hidden.

47. It is a crime and it is against the law to harass or physically harm another human being.

48. The U.S economy suffers a loss of up to 0 Million Dollars a year in healing Expenses and in the middle of and Billion Dollars in missing work or sick days annually.

49. 22% percent of all Divorces in middle-class relationships are due to violence (Eap dispell November/December 1991)

50. house Violence or Spousal Abuse is a secretive crime and can be a very well kept inexpressive for years if not permanently.

51. Pregnant women that are battered are more likely to have babies with defects,low birth weights and even miscarriages.

52. Babysitters, Housekeepers, Gardeners, Caregivers, Guardians, Godparents, Butlers, and or sleepover friends are not exempt from domestic violence, no one is.

53. Local law enforcements are not required or mandated to articulate data on the connection in the middle of victim and offender except in the case of murder.

54. Until 1984 advising the Male partner to "take a walk nearby the block" was ordinarily as much as police could legally do when responding to a domestic violence call.

55. It was in 1984 that the United States Attorney normal suggest that automated arrest become appropriate when responding to a domestic violence call.

56. Non Cooperation of the victim during abuser prosecution is too often the cause for dismissal of abuse cases, however some states no longer wish the victim to supervene straight through and now continue prosecution when enough evidence allows. This is know as the no-drop policy.

57. Abusers may use legal and or illegal drugs to spike a victim's food or drink in order to added manipulate them and make them more vulnerable.

58. There are truly countries that do not have a domestic abuse law or crime bracket, for example in Scotland there is no crime known as Domestic Abuse.

59. Insurance companies treat Domestic Violence as a pre-existing condition. Meaning if you're husband beats you whether you can be turned down for Insurance or you may have to pay a much higher Insurance premium.

60. Domestic Violence can be that of a slavery setting, where the victim works and the abuser reaps the benefits and controls every aspect of the victim's lifestyle.

61. In any given Domestic Abuse Case 95% of the times The male partner is arrested.

62. Domestic violence is an under reported crime Only approximately 25 percent of all corporeal assaults, and 50 percent of all stalkings perpetuated against females by intimate partners are reported.

63. Over one Million of Domestic Violence allegations are false.

64. In 7 out of 10 cases women were the aggressors of an Abuser/Abusee connection where there male partner did not re-act physically agreeing to a national study on partner aggression Published by the Centers for Disease operate in May 2007.

65. Men and women commit domestic violence at similar rates agreeing to Professor Linda Kelly of The Indiana State University School of Law.

66. Women who feel domestic violence first hand are more likely to get sick in their latter years, sick as in suffering from asthma, getting a stroke, 70% chance of having heart disease and a chance of turning to substance abuse or heavy drinking.

67. Domestic and sexual violence are known to involve the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases such as H.I.V. Etc

68. The majority of women who have been victims of spousal abuse become less negotiating about practicing safe sex or using protection with future partners.

69. Many Abuser's have no criminal history or crime report and can seem harmless, kind and house oriented.

70. Undocumented immigrant victims are somehow more vulnerable to abuse, because of their partner's documented legal status, making them less likely to seek help due to deportation threats made by their abusers.

71. Women use violence to resolve friction in intimate relationships just as often as men agreeing to a well-publicized study conducted by Dr. Murray Strauss of the University of New Hampshire.

72. Abuser's with Legal U.S. Citizenship many times deter their victims from gaining U.S. Citizenship/legal status to keep them isolated.

73. A host of dissimilar women from Hispanic backgrounds such as Mexico and Columbia are lead to believe that Domestic Violence is appropriate because of their Macho like cultures.

74. Undocumented Immigrants often do not trust the American Legal system when it comes to domestic abuse because of their fear of deportation, also the reason why they will stay in such relationships longer.

75. Men are less likely to view partner aggression towards them as a crime, another reason why men don't come forward.

76. A high estimate of women become victims due to them first initializing an attack towards their husband or partner.

77. Women are more likely to report abuse then men are as victims.

78. Domestic Violence does not appear on the U.S. department Of health and Human Services list of leading causes of injury. However, accidental slips and falls, over attempt and car accidents are.

79. The cost of domestic violence towards men us "Unknown" however the cost of domestic violence towards women is .8 Billion agreeing to the center for disease operate but supposedly Billion from other sources.

80. automated mandatory arrest laws escalate, not reduce, the risk of prosperous partner violence, because when abusers are let loose they are known to retaliate.

81. The claimed fact that women lose Million days of paid work is truly reversed, this is the total estimate of lost days in monies Men lose each year not women, do the math.

82. 71% of kids killed by a parent were killed by their mothers, agreeing to Data from the department of health and Human Services.

83. Domestic violence facts and statistics are among the most misleading, mythical, railroaded, un-informative and farse facts and statistics ever. Much trickory and deception is used in the numbers brought forward.

84. Bws or Battered Women's Syndrome first came about in the 1970's. This alleged syndrome helped and cushioned women who murdered their husbands, boyfriends, or lovers. It was also used to explain why they killed their partners.

85. Major Holidays aren't any great for victims than they are for Abusers, Thanksgiving and Christmas raises tension and stress in domestic abuse relationships due to the victims yearning want to see his or her house and the abuser just not allowing it.

86. Abusers tend to deplete their victim's bank accounts and destroy their credit to make them less versatile and more dependent on their abusers.

87. A anticipated estimate of victims do not know what domestic abuse is, nor do they know that they are living it. Even when they have a sense that something's wrong, they do not see the abuse advent as it stems and grows, it is why they say love is blind.

88. Spousal and Domestic Abuse rates are not their highest on Super Bowl Sunday than any other singular day of the year. Not all men are into football, as a matter of fact men ordinarily are not with their female partners on that day.

89. The reason or reasons why victims stay in such relationships is or are puny financial funds to get out and move, fear of making the abuse worst if caught leaving, and immunity to the abuse, there is an old saying "we like what we know, but we are afraid of what we don't know"

90. A century 100 Years Ago it was legal for the husband to beat his wife in the Uk given that he only used a stick no thick in width than his thumb.

91. Domestic Violence occurs in truly all races and ethnic groups to any gender regardless of age.

92. If battering and abuse is not decreasing, its increasing and tends to invent over time.

93. Abusive women have used domestic violence as a tool to arrest and intimidate their male partners by making false claims that her husband assaulted her. With the new domestic abuse laws of mandatory arrest on a domestic abuse call this is an easy one for women to pull. ( Ladies don't get any ideas, if you're husband treats you well, be nice to him )

94. A study on dating couples carefully that 70 percent of all corporeal abuse was inflicted by both parties.

95. Blind, deaf, handicapped and mentally retarded persons are also subject to abuse one way or another.

96. Military domestic violence statistics show that the army had the higher incidents of all the services Marines, Navy, and Air Force following in order.

97. Technology has played a major role in domestic abuse recently. For example Abusers use Email, tracking devices, cell phones etc, to monitor their victims where abouts. Victimized Men have also incorporated the use of technology in the form of lookout to report and prove that their spouse was truly abusing them.

98. Written policies, standards, protocols are a must by all law compulsion when responding to any domestic disputes.

99. A victim does not have the option to choose whether they can press charges or drop the charges once an arrest is made. The state takes over the case and follows prosecution.

100. A protective order, Order of protection, stay away order, restraining order, emergency protective restraining order whether temporary or permanent does not guarantee solid protection for a victim, especially since victims tend to allow the abuser to feel them after an arrest or the abuser may stalk the victim. however an automated mandatory arrest is made if authorities are made aware that the perpetrator has violated such court order.

I hope you receive new knowledge about Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms. Where you may offer utilization in your life. And most significantly, your reaction is passed about Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms.

fascinating send Beyond Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic Personality - fascinating send Beyond Narcissistic Abuse

Hi friends. Yesterday, I learned about Narcissistic Personality - fascinating send Beyond Narcissistic Abuse. Which could be very helpful in my experience and you. fascinating send Beyond Narcissistic Abuse

It seems since the starting of the year I have been doing a lot more Counseling for the tragedies of narcissistic abuse. The stories I hear are all equally as horrible and unfortunately I am never surprised by whatever a client tells me anymore.

What I said. It just isn't in conclusion that the actual about Narcissistic Personality . You check out this article for home elevators a person want to know is Narcissistic Personality .

Narcissistic Personality

It is sad to get to the point where nothing surprises you anymore but this is where I find myself. My heart goes out to each and every one of the victims of narcissistic abuse. Some of you have lost all you've ever worked for, together with your sense of self. Some are fortunate that you haven't lost all but know you could have, had you not learned about narcissism when you did.

Learning about narcissistic personality disorder can bring us the knowledge we need to say "O.K. I know he, or she, is narcissistic or has something like this and there is nothing I can do to convert it." The next step is to resolve what you are going to do about it.

For most, who know you must get away from the insanity created by the narcissism, the only selection is to cut off all caress and find a way to get on with your life. For those with family ties such as children, it is impossible to fully cut off caress but will have to limit the caress and fabricate enough inner drive to draw your boundaries, retention any and all communication to a bare minimum having to do with the branch at hand, i.e., when to pick up the kids, when to return them, etc. More on that later.

No matter what your situation, one thing is most certain. The narcissistic abuse you have suffered has put you in a place where a spiritual journey is roughly required for your survival. This is a journey that requires going deep within and assessing your strengths, your weaknesses, and seeing out who you actually are.

As victims of abuse we want to not only survive but to thrive. There is a need somewhere deep within to make sense out of what has transpired and use our experiences to start us to the next level in our lives.

I use the word victim very considered because I believe; on a spiritual level, I know there are no true victims. We draw our experiences to us, on some level, no matter how horrible they are. Because these are the experiences that shake us up at our very core and require no less than a perfect transformation in order to get beyond it.

When I was a teenager I had a very destructive eating disorder. I nearly died at age seventeen from starvation. I had, straight through this illusion of a false self, managed to starve myself down to a brittle 89 pounds. I survived and switched from anorexia to bulimia which carried me an additional one few years until I ultimately ended up in therapy at age nineteen.

My eating disorder stemmed from my self image, from unresolved family issues and a duration of time where I endured a lot of abuse as a succeed of being a chubby minuscule girl. In therapy, although it was a long and difficult journey, I dealt with the issues that caused the disorder and was fully cured. Unlike alcoholism and drug addiction I never had a desire to abuse food again. I was fully past that. In fact I went on to counsel others with obesity and eating disorders as well as depression and illness. This is where my holistic counseling path began.

The dark night of the soul I underwent as a succeed of my eating disorder gave me the knowledge, the caress and the tools to help others on their journey who were dealing with the same type of issues. Had I not experienced such a journey I would never have been able to help the citizen I could help. So there was a purpose to the insanity I lived with. It had a confident outcome.

Years later I found the same type of caress with the narcissistic abuse. As a succeed of my long and painful journey I have been able to help others.

Part of helping others is to help them see that there is a purpose to their suffering. It makes the suffering much more bearable when we know that there can be a confident outcome.

Let me use the weight loss journey as an example. For years I taught my clients to convert their diet and lifestyle in order to have the results they desired. There were a lot of emotions surfacing as my clients battled with their addictions and the pain at the root of them. Yet what kept them going was the knowledge that they were going somewhere better. If they embraced the journey, which included embracing the pain, they would finally see a whole new being in the mirror.

It is the same for those of you on the journey of recovery from narcissistic abuse. You may be walking in a dark tunnel right now but have to trust that there is something better waiting for you when you return to the light.

Those who give up and subscribe to a life of victimhood will always stay in the tunnel which results in persisting depression, lethargy, financial issues, bodily issues and a lonely, loveless life. There is nobody on this earth who has the power to assign you to this kind of life, except for You.

What the narcissist did was horrible and there is no excuse for the pain you have suffered as a result. But there is also no going back and changing the past. All you have is now and the time to come and this is where your vigor needs to be focused.

I watched a documentary the other day called "The Shadow of the Moon" about the first astronauts who landed on the moon. It was intelligent how astronauts were chosen for their quality to stay cool, calm and collected in a crisis. It was a matter of life and death to them. There was a point where there was an explosion in the capsule that was supposed to take the astronauts back home. I was listening to them talking, reflecting back many years and one of the astronauts said. "Our oxygen was leaking and we idea it was all over for us but we asked ourselves, what do we have to work with to get us home?"

I was so impressed with this attitude. "What do we have to work with to get us home?"

I think we can all ask ourselves this same question when we are in a spiritual crisis. What do we have to work with? We may have lost what feels like the most leading thing but what do we still have left?

If those astronauts spent their vigor focusing on what was lost they would have never made it home. They would have used up the remainder of their oxygen having an emotional meltdown instead of focusing on how to save their lives and the mission.

We are all on a mission. We just don't always know what it is. perhaps if we had a better image of what our mission or purpose in life is, we could convert our focus from what we have lost and instead look at what we can work with now to get us to where we want to go.

Now is an exquisite time to take your account and make a list of who you believe you are and what you would like to do, be or have in this life. If you want a loving relationship than you must believe you can have that. There is no intuit you can't.

I was so clear after leaving a narcissistic relationship not only that I wanted a loving relationship, but that I deserved one. I had been focusing on having a loving relationship for quite some time, even while the narcissistic one. I used to say a minuscule prayer to whether convert the relationship I am in to a loving, harmonious relationship or move me on to something better. My prayer was answered but let me tell you I was unprepared for how quickly things would be shaken up in my life in order to bring me what I wanted.

When a new opportunity for love presented itself roughly right away, I could have actually said "No! I am not ready!" But I had been praying for this for years so why would I say I wasn't ready?

I didn't give my ex the opportunity to take from me my joy and even though I was still hurting from the awful fall-out created by somebody I had believed was my friend, I knew I had to get on with my life.

Looking send is where the real medical happens. Let the wounds of the past heal, and give them the time they need to do this, but don't focus on the pain of the healing. Focus instead on what you still have and what you can do with it. Then, take a deep breath, look send and begin walking.

I hope you obtain new knowledge about Narcissistic Personality . Where you can put to easy use in your day-to-day life. And most importantly, your reaction is passed about Narcissistic Personality .

The High Functioning Narcissist

Narcissistic Personality - The High Functioning Narcissist

Good afternoon. Now, I learned all about Narcissistic Personality - The High Functioning Narcissist. Which may be very helpful for me and also you. The High Functioning Narcissist

It is easy to spot abuse when it comes in the container of a man who stays out all night, drinks, uses drugs, is obviously having affairs, is irresponsible with money, can't keep a job, and displays both verbal and physical abuse at home. Men with these kinds of characteristics can be labeled or diagnosed as having narcissistic personality disorder because they take no accountability for their behavior or how it effects others in their lives. Although their life looks messy from the partners point of view, the narcissistic personality covers up his behavior by dismissing it and focusing instead on the faults of his partner. Although this type of narcissist may be a faultless and utter failure in the real world, in his imaginary world he is destined for greatness and uses promises and a great sales presentation to keep his partner hooked in. But after many years pass and nothing changes the partner begins to comprehend that she can't built a life on empty promises and initiates change.

What I said. It just isn't in conclusion that the actual about Narcissistic Personality . You read this article for information about an individual need to know is Narcissistic Personality .

Narcissistic Personality

With the high functioning narcissist, the story is wholly different. He is often very responsible in the real world, has a good job, owns his own business, good with money management, has good credit, owns his own home, is very entertaining and creative, may have long-term marriage or relationships histories, is complex with his children, takes perfect care of himself physically and he may also be a prominent member of society, the church, or complex in personal or spiritual growth.

With a high functioning narcissist it is difficult to detect the abuse and the dysfunction. In fact partners of this type of narcissistic personality often come to believe they are the problem. Even if the high functioning narcissist does have an extra-marital affair he will make his partner believe she pushed him to it. Sometimes it's even the partner of the narcissist who is led to having an affair because she isn't getting her needs met at home. This isn't surprising since regardless of his appearance in society, her needs aren't prominent to him. In fact they are a downright nuisance.

In my case I had two relationships with high functioning narcissists. They were both calm, cool and collected most of the time while I was an emotional basket case. Next to their "perfect" appearance I faltered with my unavoidable displays of imperfection which included frequent illness, depression, mood swings and inability to function at work.

I came to the realization I was dealing with a narcissistic personality after I left the first relationship. I was a mess for over six months and didn't seem to be getting better. On the recommendation of a friend I went to see yet someone else therapist, she recommended to me, who told me my ex was a narcissist! She hadn't met him and didn't say "he may be a narcissist" she told me flat out that I was dealing with a narcissist. She obviously had adequate touch to detect the symptoms in the partner of a high functioning narcissist. Armed with this new knowledge I set out to heal from the most subtle kind of abuse I had ever experienced.

When dealing with these very intelligent, high functioning narcissistic personalities they are permanently outsmarting and even brainwashing their partners re-enforcing the recommendation that the partner is the one with the problem. The partner experiences loss of energy, loss of personal power, declining self-worth and ultimately the loss of her ability to function in the world. She has wholly lost her grip on reality and has been absorbed into the narcissistic reality. ordinarily she comes to the realization her partner was narcissistic after the association has fallen apart. By this time she has often already been supplanted by person he deems as "having her act together" since the previous partner obviously didn't. This only contributes to her feelings of worthlessness.

As I look back on both of my narcissistic relationships I comprehend that both men initially undoubtedly admired me and wanted to be near me for my "light." But once I was drained of my "light" or life-force energy he began to lose interest in me. He never took accountability for any of the issues in the relationship.There was a subtle form of control going on. He didn't have any "real friends" of his own so he followed me into my group situations and withdrew into the sideline to contemplate me interacting with my friends. He would come home after work because there wasn't whatever else to do. He preferred his artistic expression to socialization. This is what allowed him to shine and be admired by others.

Neither of my ex's had great group skills but seemed to feed off my contacts instead. And feed is an proper term because it seemed they felt classic to most of the population I interacted with. But because of my draw as a musical performer, I was initially located in a high position, lifted up, admired, adored, intently listened to, and sexually devoured with a great passion.

Of course my own egoic nature loved being showered with concentration and affection, especially since I didn't feel I received much in my childhood. I was a perfect mate for these idealistic narcissist's who gained heightened sense of self-worth as a effect of being in my presence. However, if I ever expressed disappointment in the relationships, or whatever having to do with my needs being met within our union he would react with a put-down of me rather than looking the possibility that he was contributing to the problem. ordinarily I experienced a voicelessness, never undoubtedly feeling seen or heard, which was what I had experienced as a child. So instead of telling myself that I deserved to be seen and heard, I would plummet into those familiar old emotions that reminded me that I wasn't undoubtedly worthy adequate to be truly visible.

The stage was the only place I was undoubtedly allowed to shine and be seen. It was my only true platform in which I could express myself and be heard.

Having a true voice within a narcissistic relationships was never possible. I couldn't get angry, or express disappointment without being branch to the typical accusations of having Pms or being hostile. Narcissistic behavior is crazy production and it enrages us, yet we can't safely express our inner rage without being branch to accusations of our many faults, or having the issue of our concern wholly ignored while the focus is turned to our reaction of the issue.

I had an affair once out of my own deep need to be loved and treated kindly. This was after my second narcissistic association was beginning to fall apart. He approached me when I came home after staying out all night and asked me where I had been. I told him the truth! He broke down crying and asking me why I would do this to us and I had the horrible touch of witnessing my own reckless behavior's effect on this man whom I loved. I told him I was very sorry and he didn't deserve that. I explained that I felt justified at the time because our association was in problem but I realized now how wrong that was and I would never do that again as long as there was even the appearance of us being together. I think I felt worse than he did because I was ashamed of my own behavior.

However had the tables been turned I'm sure I would have been just as guilty. It would still have been my fault and I would still be the focus of the conversation. It would be about how he was pushed to do it because of the way I treated him and how he couldn't allow himself to get close to me anymore because he couldn't trust me. He would charge me to alleviate his own guilt and have no compassion for my touch of betrayal.

This is the variation between a narcissistic personality and one who is not. A narcissist can't put himself in his partners shoes. He can't imagine what it might be like to be on the other side of the situation. He can only see it from his own perspective, which is a perspective that wholly lets him off the hook and puts 100% of the accountability upon his partner.

In my situation, my affair only validated his belief of me as untrustworthy. He had never trusted me because whenever we would fight and he would push all the accountability upon me I would withdraw from the relationship. I recoiled out of my own self preservation. Sometimes I ended the association altogether out of my own frustration. But I still continued to return to the association and he would welcome me back with open arms and for a brief occasion all was forgotten. For a short time I was gorgeous to him again and he was loving towards me.

The cycle continued until I just couldn't stand it anymore and ultimately I ended the association for the last time. When he realized I was serious this time, his narcissistic devaluing and discarding of me began. The nightmare I experienced within the association was nothing compared to the devastation of leaving. It was during this time that I had to come to the true realization that I had been living a lie and had invested years of my life enforcing this illusion. Suddenly his image of the consistent partner gave way to a rage that I had never before seen in him, yet intuitively I always sensed it was there. He wholly cut off all touch with me, even though we lived on the same property. He ignored me and treated me as if I was invisible, the thing I hated the most. I wanted to impart with him and process through the ending of the association as I had done in other, healthier relationships, but that door was accomplished to me. There would be no closure.

The second time I found myself in a narcissistic association I suspected I was dealing with narcissism once again, especially since I had been studying it for years. One might wonder how I could have missed it or why I stayed so long. If you've ever heard the story of the boiling pot where a frog is located in a boiling pot and it jumps out but when they place a frog in a pot of cool water and gently bring it to a boil the frog dies. The temperature change is so slow that he doesn't comprehend what is happening.

When I entered the second association the water was cool and there were no unavoidable signs of narcissism. In fact in many ways he was very distinct than the first one. My first narcissistic partner was emotionally accomplished and the second one was emotionally open, a huge difference. But what I found was that the more emotionally open one was more prone to emotional explosion and I could sense the volcano establishment to erupt. But still even after it erupted he didn't ever lay a hand on me. He knew better. Instead he bottled it up inside and gave me the silent treatment. I would hear him slamming boards and doors and swearing but he never touched me. He was high functioning! There was never any real evidence of abuse. The abuse was like the frog in the pot. It was so subtle and slow that I didn't recognize it as abuse until I woke from my illusion and realized the water was boiling. I jumped out just in time to save my life.

The abuse came in the form of constant invalidation of my reality until I came to invalidate my own reality. I lost trust in myself and my ability to know what the truth was in any given situation. I became dependent upon him for his version of reality so I could make sense of what was going on in my life. In the end he told me he wanted me out of his house and I said "wait a minute! This is my house too!" He said "No it isn't!" It was then I comprehend how out of touch things had become. There was no way he was going to convince me that this was his house. We purchased it together. It was ours! How long had I been allowing him to undermine me and enforce his version of reality over mine? How long had I been gently leaking my power and energy to this false illusion?

In both of my narcissistic relationships I was supplanted immediately which surprised me since I had developed a trust that we had this deep soul bond that was irreplaceable. And maybe on some level it was irreplaceable! Because although they moved on quickly, their new situations didn't last long. perhaps the new partners detected the dysfunction early on and weren't so willing to jump into my old shoes. Maybe I was extra to them because I was an ignorant frog, who just didn't comprehend when the temperature was rising. perhaps it was because, through it all, I am undoubtedly a gorgeous person with a lot of love to give and their cup was too shallow to contain it. Maybe after all is said and done they comprehend that I truly did love them and their fantasies that person else could undoubtedly fill my shoes didn't measure up against true reality.

I will never undoubtedly know the truth of what they are thinking, believing or feeling. I only know my truth and this is what is important. I have learned to trust myself and my inner voice that guides me on my path. I can now spot a high functioning narcissist not necessarily from far away, but up close and personal. There are a two signs: He doesn't believe he is at fault for anything. He has a unavoidable air of superiority. There are also other unavoidable signs such as haughty body postures, eccentricity, a charismatic presence, very unavoidable appearance, intense and invasive sexual energy, a casual interest in me in order to get something they want, in some I observation a need to permanently talk about themselves, others are quiet and introverted.

The most prominent detection devise is the way I feel. I feel anxious, drained, on guard, inadequate, frustrated, and confused. I think those are the kind of signs we need to listen to the most. How do we feel? Once we learn to trust our own feelings we stop selling our reality for the narcissistic illusion. It is then we are able to call back our power and stop playing into the hands of one who doesn't have our best interest at heart.

I hope you get new knowledge about Narcissistic Personality . Where you may offer use within your life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Narcissistic Personality .

Abortion Methods - Learn 7 different Types Of Abortion

Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms - Abortion Methods - Learn 7 different Types Of Abortion

Hi friends. Yesterday, I discovered Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms - Abortion Methods - Learn 7 different Types Of Abortion. Which is very helpful for me therefore you. Abortion Methods - Learn 7 different Types Of Abortion

Spontaneous, Herbal and Induced are the three general methods of abortion. Although it is not that beloved or necessary in this contemporary era but there is a method known as self-inflicted abortion also. Most of the citizen do not consider self-inflicted abortion to be among the major methods.

What I said. It is not the actual final outcome that the real about Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms. You read this article for information about a person need to know is Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms.

Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms

In self-inflicted abortion a a sharp object such as a coat hanger is inserted into the cervix of the expecting mother. This method is known to be highly dangerous or deadly and is not at all reliable.

One of the oldest method of abortion is herbal abortion which is also not considered very safe. The result of Herbal abortion is sometimes only a sick pregnant woman. It is not much different from the worse self-inflicted abortion. Over hundreds of years, any herbs are used to carry on herbal abortion. These herbs use to be silphium, birthwort, black cohosh, pennyroyal, tansy etc. Of which some are now extinct. It also contain contemporary day herbs that some citizen use daily such as juniper, lavender, parsley, thyme, marjoram and dill. Such herbs are termed as abortifacient or simply the herbs that can cause abortion.

However, surgical methods are the most ordinarily used abortion methods these days. Physician may commence one of the three surgical procedures to commence abortion at an early term. The three surgical procedures followed for abortion are:

1) manual Vacuum Aspiration or Mva- In Mva method a syringe is used to suction out tissue which causes abortion

2) electric Vacuum Aspiration or Eva- In an Eva method an electric pump is used to suction the tissue out.

3) Dilation and Curettage or D&C- Once the cervix of the pregnant woman has been opened, sharp curette is used to clean the uterus walls.

4) Dilation and Evacuation or D&E- In this method the uterus is cleaned by the use of instruments and suction once the cervix of the pregnant woman has been opened.

5) Hysterectomy Abortion- Hysterectomy Abortion is related to the cesarean section to conclude a pregnancy.

6) Controversial Intact Dilation and discharge or Idx- Idx is also known as Partial Birth Abortion. In this method the cervix is diated by use of forceps to grasp and turn fetus in breech position. Then the fetus is withdrawn and only head of the fetus is left inside cervix. Then the head is collapsed by suction of brain matter from the skull. This is done through the small incision which is made at the base of the skull. Idx or Partial Birth Abortion is a banned abortion method under Partial Birth Abortion Ban law. This law was passed by Congress and came into result when President George W Bush signed it in 2003. But this law does not provide any data in cases where abortion is necessary for woman's condition and is therefore examined by Us supreme Court for its legal validity.

7) Chemical Methods- combination of drugs can effectively conclude or end pregnancy. Drugs such as mifepristone or methotrexate are used for abortion which is followed by prostaglandin. Prostaglandin comes in two types and its usage depends on the place where abortion is done. Gemeprost is used in Sweden, Uk whereas in Us misoprostol is used ordinarily for abortion.

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