Narcissistic Personality - hidden Paranoia in the Narcissistic Personality
Good evening. Yesterday, I discovered Narcissistic Personality - hidden Paranoia in the Narcissistic Personality. Which is very helpful for me therefore you. hidden Paranoia in the Narcissistic PersonalityWe all feel suspicious of others from time to time. Suspicion is a vague feeling that something is wrong without any definite evidence that this is true.
What I said. It is not the final outcome that the actual about Narcissistic Personality . You read this article for information about anyone want to know is Narcissistic Personality .Narcissistic Personality
Paranoia has separate qualities. The word "paranoia" has a Greek origin, meaning "madness." Paranoia involves severe feelings of anxiety that are driven by delusional thoughts that the individual is being persecuted and will be harmed. There are psychotic illnesses in which the major highlight is paranoia. However, there are non-psychotic individuals who suffer from paranoid delusions who are not psychotic. This is the case with Paranoid Personality Disorder.
The narcissist has a private paranoia. His inner world is dark and dangerous. With all the bravado, grandiosity, marvelous self entitlement and self confidence, deep inside the narcissist feels a gnawing emptiness combined with paranoia. He lives in fear and dread. The narcissist both creates many real enemies due to his ruthlessness and complete disregard for others. He also propagates imagined enemies whom he fears will destroy him . "He (the narcissist) functions in an atmosphere of constant siege...he is paranoid, tormented by expected attacks of perceived enemies."
Narcissists have special enemies that they dislike or hate with great intensity. They are called betes noires. Bete noire comes from the French, meaning black beast. The narcissist fears that company will cheat him, form a cabal, bring him down financially, and destroy his power position and stature in the world. The narcissist is always finding over his shoulder to see who is gaining on him.
From his earliest years the narcissist never advanced a feeling of what psychiatrist Erik Erikson named "basic Trust", which is pivotal to a feeling of psychological security. The narcissist never felt that he could count on anyone. He often was favorite and catered to by one or both parents. But there were high expectations and definite conditions settled on the budding narcissist. He was molded by a parent(s) to be the son or daughter that represented their foresight of perfection. Unable to be free to come to be a spontaneous, unique individual, the narcissist below the surface, feels enraged and helpless. The narcissist's paranoia stems from unconscious aggressive internal parental images that he carries inside.
The narcissist trusts no one, feels thoroughly alone, and is incapable of intimacy. Ultimately, narcissists are tragic figures: they can neither give or receive love.
I hope you receive new knowledge about Narcissistic Personality . Where you can offer use in your everyday life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Narcissistic Personality .
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