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Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 692
Snow-Wight and the Stripper - Episode 10 - "In the Still of the Night"
Mother In Law - Snow-Wight and the Stripper - Episode 10 - "In the Still of the Night"
Do you know about - Snow-Wight and the Stripper - Episode 10 - "In the Still of the Night"
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Snow-Wight and the Stripper - Episode 10 - "In the Still of the Night" Video Clips. Duration : 4.95 Mins.Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 143:
Mother In Law - Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 143:
Do you know about - Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 143:
Mother In Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Mother In Law. You check out this article for info on that need to know is Mother In Law.How is Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 143:
Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 143: Tube. Duration : 19.58 Mins.Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 105:
Mother In Law - Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 105:
Do you know about - Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 105:
Mother In Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the real about Mother In Law. You check out this article for home elevators that want to know is Mother In Law.How is Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 105:
Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 105: Video Clips. Duration : 18.37 Mins.Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati 05/06/11
Mother In Law - Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati 05/06/11
Do you know about - Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati 05/06/11
Mother In Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Mother In Law. You read this article for information on that need to know is Mother In Law.How is Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati 05/06/11
Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati 05/06/11 Tube. Duration : 20.50 Mins.Ladies Special - Episode 59- Full Episode
Mother In Law - Ladies Special - Episode 59- Full Episode
Do you know about - Ladies Special - Episode 59- Full Episode
Mother In Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the true about Mother In Law. You see this article for facts about an individual need to know is Mother In Law.How is Ladies Special - Episode 59- Full Episode
Ladies Special - Episode 59- Full Episode Tube. Duration : 19.20 Mins.Top Six Reasons For Marriage disunion
Narcissistic Mother In Law - Top Six Reasons For Marriage disunion
Hi friends. Today, I learned about Narcissistic Mother In Law - Top Six Reasons For Marriage disunion. Which is very helpful in my experience so you. Top Six Reasons For Marriage disunionMany couples who are considering disunion often choose to try marriage disunion before manufacture that final legal split. There are many who say that marriage disunion has positively saved their association and made things much better. Of course, there are other couples that marriage disunion just doesn't work for. It is dependent upon your unique situation and your spouse and many other variables. Here is some more facts on the top six reasons for marriage separation.
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Infidelity -
This is a big one. Many times, when you've been cheated on, you just don't know if you can forgive your spouse. Some individuals wonder if they will always think of their spouse cheating and if they will ever be able to get over it. Marriage disunion allows couples more time to think and reflect on their association and whether the cheating was too much to forgive. After a clear period of time, they can ordinarily resolve whether to move on without their spouse or with them.
Financial Reasons -
While many people don't think money would play a huge part in the health of a relationship, studies and explore shows that it does! Couples disagree on how and when the money should be spent, the estimate that was spent and much more. A marriage disunion allows them to try and work their problems out and puts things into a best perspective.
Communication -
We all know communication plays a huge role in the health of a marriage. When couples cannot effectively communicate, it's only a matter of time before problems occur. A marriage disunion allows them the chance to institution best communication in order to rebuild the health of their marriage.
Family Problems -
Our family (such as mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and others) can sometimes cause problems in our marriage. For instance, if you have an interfering mother-in-law or you don't get along with your sister-in-law, problems can occur within the marriage. disunion allows the couple to outline out how to best solve their problems with the family.
Child Discipline -
Many couples disagree on how the children should be disciplined and since most of us positively care how our children turn out - this can be a source of many problems. Couples use marriage disunion in this case to cool off and resolve on a universal formula of discipline or one that they can both agree to and ensue straight through with.
Careers -
Unfortunately, for many of us, a vocation can cause problems. If our spouse is feeling neglected, lonely or upset because of our jobs - there is ordinarily a lot of anger and hurt feelings. A marriage disunion allows the couple the chance to resolve what is going to happen and puts things into perspective as well.
Because of these top six reasons for marriage disunion and many other reasons, couples often need time to think and reflect. Marriage disunion allows them this option and they can best resolve what to do from there.
I hope you get new knowledge about Narcissistic Mother In Law. Where you possibly can offer use within your evryday life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Narcissistic Mother In Law.Obtaining Desired Results From Your 5S Efforts
More Results From » - Obtaining Desired Results From Your 5S Efforts
Good evening. Yesterday, I discovered More Results From » - Obtaining Desired Results From Your 5S Efforts. Which may be very helpful if you ask me and also you. Obtaining Desired Results From Your 5S EffortsMany clubs have been "attempting" 5s for years with small to show for their efforts. Some have once again begun to roll it out once more after halting the attempt a few years back.
What I said. It is not the conclusion that the true about More Results From ». You read this article for facts about what you wish to know is More Results From ».More Results From »
When you first got started, you learned about the benefits of 5S, trained many of your employees on the concepts and rolled out some process correction events in your operation. Yet you have seen small in the way of benefits that your team had hoped for. Is this 5S stuff undoubtedly just another flavor of the month that is destined to go the way of so many of the company's past initiatives? The examine is "are you undoubtedly carrying out the 5S plan or are you naturally "wishing for success."
There are too many clubs in the United States and around the world that have had success implementing 5S techniques to think they are just a fad. The Toyotas, Harley Davidsons, normal Electrics and thousands of others who have had success would argue that whatever can do it, but it does wish discipline and the desire for success.
Where does your implementation stand? Is everyone trained? Does communication run rampant? Does everyone undoubtedly understand what is expected? Is there true laborer buy-in? Is the implementation timetable reasonable, inspecting the fact that you still have to run a business? Does whatever succeed up to see if there are problems that need resolution? If the reply to any of these questions is no, then the failure of the implementation rests squarely on the shoulders of your organization. In fact, it is likely that if prior correction efforts failed in your company, you can point to the same reasons.
Some questions you might wish to reconsider include::
Why did we stop our past 5S efforts? Which of those causes still exist? What have we learned from the success or failure of our past 5S effort?
How carport are our processes? How can we use 5S to generate stability? What is the impact of a lack of 5S affecting Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, and Morale?
How standardized are our processes? Are they documented? How quickly and undoubtedly can we access those documents? How up to date are they?
How can we use 5S to simplify and enhance our processes? Where can we use optical systems to highlight abnormalities?
What level of maintain are we receiving from management?.No program, tool or technique alone can enhance a process or system and maintain that correction long-term. It takes strategic thinkers to successfully define the need for change in company terms. They then need the tools and a buildings with in which to make sure that the efforts are sustained and the safety and ability remain the focus of day to day efforts.
Typically clubs get great results for the first few months. Once the advisor has left and the 5S Champion resigns or is transferred, the program looses steam and begins to fall apart. Soon, the production floor is a mess. Tool boards are missing tools, floors are messy, and all sorts of tool and supplies hidden behind machines. Much of what was done up to that point is gone. It becomes increasingly difficult to get everyone excited about 5S once again. This cycle has a habit of repeating it self. advisor comes, 5S program is initiated, the advisor leaves, 5S dies.
Where is the payback?" The reply lies in the program processes and in the steps taken to maintain all efforts (the fifth S). Supervision and the 5S team seem to look at 5S as a once and done approach, or something you do on an each year basis when Upper Supervision visits the plant. The qoute in this lies in the level of management's comprehension of lean manufacturing, how to properly apply "Total ability Methods" as well as tools and techniques for assuring quality. Supervision and the 5S teams take a compartmentalized coming or as I like to call them chimneys (Cylinders filled with hot air and smoke that have no association to other parts of the organization).
Stakeholders will only see results from 5S implementation (or other Lean implementation) when there is a system in place that sustains the program and ensures that all personnel in the society enroll in the 5S process and work to carry out the system and practices that make it work. No more half hearted, poorly belief out attempts to apply 5S can be tolerated. 5S planners must base all change on company needs, they need to address quality, cost, delivery, safety and the morale of the workers in a wide and on-going approach. They must learn to use the basal team tools that are applied in other areas of the company, but over looked when it comes to sustaining 5S. The teams need to be able to guide sufficient process analysis, develop written documentation such as Detailed Process Sheets or suitable Operating Procedures. They must be adept at identifying and resolving problems using a systems coming that is uncomplicated sufficient that whatever in the workforce can use it.
5S teams must move beyond Basic 5S and embrace advanced 5S practices in order to get Supervision maintain and commitment. The teams must learn to speak the language of business. Only when all of this occurs will you start to see the results you desire from your 5S program.
I hope you have new knowledge about More Results From ». Where you possibly can offer use within your day-to-day life. And most significantly, your reaction is passed about More Results From ».Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 93:
Mother In Law - Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 93:
Do you know about - Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 93:
Mother In Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about Mother In Law. You see this article for facts about that want to know is Mother In Law.How is Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 93:
Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 93: Tube. Duration : 18.27 Mins.The psychology of Online Dating: The Psychologist's Viewpoint
More Results From » - The psychology of Online Dating: The Psychologist's Viewpoint
Hello everybody. Today, I discovered More Results From » - The psychology of Online Dating: The Psychologist's Viewpoint. Which could be very helpful for me so you. The psychology of Online Dating: The Psychologist's ViewpointPsychologists interested in dating and attraction have learned a great deal by reading and examining the personal advertisements and 'lonely hearts' pages of local and national newspapers. Since we psychologists have benefited from the habitancy who use these services it seems only right that some of the things we've found should be given back. In this series of articles I will figure some of the more almost beneficial findings that have come from this explore and furnish a overview of the results reported in scholastic science of mind journals, written for those who probably have the most interest in this knowledge: the daters themselves.
What I said. It just isn't in conclusion that the real about More Results From ». You check out this article for info on a person want to know is More Results From ».More Results From »
There is quite a bit of material to cover so I have organised it into a series of six articles:
The Psychologist's Viewpoint
This description gives an idea of the scope of explore using personal advertisements, the way personal profiles are used in research, and the kind of things psychologists can find out when they put their minds to it.
He wants and she is
This outlines explore into the things that men say they are looking for in a partner. Alongside this we look at how women report themselves. Combining these we can assess how accurately women understand what men want and use the right kind of language to attract a man's interest. This one is particularly beneficial for the girls and should help you write something for the 'in your own words' bit of your profile.
She wants and he is
This description gives the opposite perspective to the old one, looking at the things that women say they want in a partner and the way that men report themselves. Do these match up? Have men got it right or are they missing the point completely? This one might help the boys rethink the content of their 'own words' parts of their dating profiles.
Like for Like or Opposites Attract?
This description summarises the results in the old two and uses these to figure the current psychological theories of attraction. It explains how 'like attracts like' and 'opposites attract' can both be true and how this can help you when you are first making caress with man after reading their profile.
Blitzers, Boasters and Being Choosy
This description looks at explore into general approaches to dating along with the results found by researchers who experimentally placed distinct versions of personal advertisements and then sat back to see how many and what kind of responses they got.
Summary and Practical Uses
The final description of this series summarises all that has gone before and places this new knowledge firmly in the context of online dating, describing how these results can be constructively used to make fewer mistakes and to enhance your chances of attracting responses to your profile and getting a inevitable response to your first arrival to someone.
Before getting into the results of the explore we need to take a brief tour colse to the ways in which explore psychologists use personal advertisements and the kinds of things they can find, so we have some idea of the sort of things that psychologists can and cannot say about personal advertisements and internet dating profiles.
Content Analysis
Personal advertisements have been a rich source of data for collective scientists investigating dating behaviours. To give an idea of the scale of this enterprise, my own explore in this area is based on the diagnosis of nearly five thousand advertisements collected from Uk local newspapers. Apart from this I have copies of more than sixty explore reports published by colleagues in Brazil, Canada, Hungary, Japan, Poland, Uk and Usa. This adds up to about thirty thousand individual profiles that have been analysed by psychologists, sociologists and other expert researchers. Most of this explore has used printed personal ads extracted from newspapers and magazines as these are more beneficial to us (as explained below) but the data and insights gained can be applied to any situation where first impressions come from written descriptions, so these results are directly relevant and beneficial to habitancy using internet dating sites.
Creating a profile for an internet dating site regularly involves describing yourself on a whole host of listed options such as eye colour (blue, green etc.), smoking habit, attractiveness, salary etc. This data is regularly entered into the site using a form. Within this form each man makes their own choices from the options ready but because it is a form, everyone has to mention the same kinds of things. In a sense, the dating site has already decided what the foremost features are and you plainly tick the accurate boxes when describing yourself and describing the sort of man you want to meet.
With printed personal advertisements there is no detailed form to fill in and you can write whatever you want. The only restriction is on the amount of words with an escalating fee per word up to a maximum limit. As a corollary these advertisements are quite short, averaging about 22 words. This is typically adequate space to mention about nine things, either these are your own attributes (age, hair and eye colour, looks) or things you are looking for in a partner (sense of humour, marital status, age range, personality, height). Given these restrictions we can reasonably expect that habitancy mention the most foremost things as they see it, so the content of these advertisements tell us what characteristics the writers think are foremost to the other sex, and what key things they are looking for themselves. For example, a personal advertisement that says "Stunning, curvy and adventurous 22 year old blonde female is looking for a financially obtain older man, ideally with own hair and teeth, who will spoil her rotten." gives a pretty clear indication of what matters to this man and what she is offering in return.
Researchers have taken thousands of personal advertisements and analysed them to look for general patterns. From this, they have identified some very clear differences in the middle of the kinds of things that are foremost to men and women when looking for a partner. They have also looked at how well the self descriptions of each sex matches the features that the other sex says they want, giving an indication of how much each sex understands about what the other sex is looking for. Results from this kind of explore are discussed in the articles He wants and she is, and She wants and he is.
Apart from the specific attributes and features mentioned, there are also more general differences in how habitancy write these descriptions. For example women tend to give more detailed data about the sort of man they are looking for than men, while men are more focussed on describing themselves. looking at a profile from this perspective tells us quite a lot about the arrival habitancy take to dating, along with either they are looking for a few high quality matches or just want as many dates as they can possibly get. This explore is summarised in the description Blitzers, Boasters and Being Choosy.
Knowing how habitancy report themselves and the sort of thing they are looking for also allows us to look at broader questions such as either habitancy are looking for others who are similar to themselves or would prefer a partner who is distinct but, in some sense, complementary. This is discussed in the description Like for Like or Opposites Attract where we find that both are true once we understand a more basic and beneficial ideas of attraction.
Experimental Research
Apart from examining the advertisements that real habitancy have written in the hope of looking a partner, psychologists have occasionally come to be active researchers and have placed experimental personal advertisements to see how many and what type of response they get. For example, if two almost identical advertisements are placed and one receives twice as many responses as the other, this tells us that the dissimilarity in the middle of these ads (which may be as small as one word) has a big corollary on the chances of attracting a date.
Some psychologists have also used this type of explore to explore the sort of things that men and women write when responding to an advertisement. This has given researchers other way to classify the distinct approaches to dating and to identify groups such as the 'blitzers' who send responses to everyone in the hope that some of them will score a hit. Results from this experimental explore are presented in the description Blitzers, Boasters and Being Choosy.
This description has outlined the organisation and content of this series, has introduced the ways in which psychologists arrival dating research, and has indicated the sort of things they may be able to see from their viewpoint as researchers.
In the next description we move on to looking at some actual findings. He wants and she is looks at the features that women tend to emphasis when advertising themselves, the things that men are certainly looking for, and either or not womens' self descriptions suggest they are marketing themselves well and have an accurate understanding into what men want.
I hope you receive new knowledge about More Results From ». Where you possibly can put to use within your daily life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about More Results From ».Divorcing a Narcissist - The ultimate Challenge
Narcissistic Personality - Divorcing a Narcissist - The ultimate Challenge
Hello everybody. Today, I discovered Narcissistic Personality - Divorcing a Narcissist - The ultimate Challenge. Which may be very helpful in my experience and you. Divorcing a Narcissist - The ultimate ChallengeYou may be shocked when your narcissistic husband or wife asks for or demands a divorce. The narcissistic partner has been planning this action for some time. Narcissists are plotters. They ponder how a single move will benefit them long before they report it to the other party, even if it is a spouse to whom they have been married for decades. The truth is that you only opinion you were part of a real marriage. Narcissists are incapable of genuine relationships. Most often, their marriages are firm deals. They select partners because they are physically attractive, young, emotionally pliable, fit the narcissist's perfect image, come from the "right house background," have a strong economic portfolio.
What I said. It isn't in conclusion that the actual about Narcissistic Personality . You see this article for home elevators that want to know is Narcissistic Personality .Narcissistic Personality
Some narcissists who have had long marriages (with many affairs on the side) prefer to make a deal so that the house dynasty remains intact. I have known husbands and wives who have offered the other party millions of dollars to "stay in the marriage." In exchange for cash and other financial incentives, the narcissist makes it clear that he or she is romantically and sexually free to pursue other relationships. Some partners prefer to agree with this proposal and maintain the marriage façade. The imagine for many is that they cannot give up the sumptuous lifestyle that the high-level, very thriving narcissist provides. The injured party may complain and moan but he or she acquiesces to the irresistible offer.
There is the ask of mediation rather than divorce. It is not impossible but very difficult. Narcissists are not willing to compromise;they are always right and they don't share blame or possessions.
Having studied and worked clinically in the area of narcissistic personality disorders for many years, I believe that it would be very rare to have a certain mediation ensue with a narcissist.
Those who select to disjunction a narcissist are entering a psychological thicket from which they can exit victoriously. Despite all of your psychological pain and the horror that you expect, be sure to do your homework. Study, interview and use word of mouth resources through friends and confidantes who know the work of some great disjunction lawyers. select an attorney who specializes in disjunction and who has been at the center of these battles innumerable times. Make sure that your attorney has a good character that is worthy of your trust and that he will fight for you with great perseverance. It is prominent that the lawyer understands the narcissistic personality disorder.
When the formal disjunction process is over, the prominent personal work begins. Draw on your strengths. You will find reasoning and psychological resources that have been hidden under the intimidation of living with a narcissist for so long. Research, interview and find an perfect therapist who specializes in disjunction with whom you can grieve your loss. Part of the healing after disjunction are your assertive efforts to redirect your life. Call upon your close friends. Take good care of your physical, reasoning and emotional health. Be open to discover ways of healing yourself through corporeal exercise, yoga, meditation, retain groups. After all of your work, you will find yourself prominent a life that is calmer, healthier, more peaceful and creative----a life that belongs to you and that you share with others that come across your new path. Some day you may find yourself giving other spouses perfect counsel on how to successfully disjunction a narcissist.
I hope you obtain new knowledge about Narcissistic Personality . Where you can put to use in your evryday life. And most of all, your reaction is passed about Narcissistic Personality .Hamari Devrani - Hamari Devrani
Mother In Law - Hamari Devrani - Hamari Devrani
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Mother In Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about Mother In Law. You see this article for facts about a person wish to know is Mother In Law.How is Hamari Devrani - Hamari Devrani
Hamari Devrani - Hamari Devrani Video Clips. Duration : 5.50 Mins.Can You Have a relationship With a Narcissist?
Narcissistic Personality - Can You Have a relationship With a Narcissist?
Good morning. Yesterday, I found out about Narcissistic Personality - Can You Have a relationship With a Narcissist?. Which could be very helpful in my experience therefore you. Can You Have a relationship With a Narcissist?What are most of us finding for today when we enter a relationship? Actually, I am going to address this description to women because, the truth is, most narcissists tend to be men. This isn't to say women can't bring their own problems to a relationship. But women are more inclined to be Histrionic or have Borderline Personality Disorder, not Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Npd.
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That said, let's get back to considering either or not you even want to try to have a connection with a narcissist.
I guess you need to understand something about narcissism before we discuss this quiz, further. First of all, perceive narcissistic tendencies or narcissistic symptoms can occur in varying degrees. In other words, person might be diagnosable as having full fledged Narcissistic Personality Disorder, while other person might merely display what you'll see referred to in internet articles as unhealthy, pathological, or malignant narcissism. Even lesser degrees of narcissism can be problematic in a relationship, though.
How many of the criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder must a man meet in the Diagnostic and Statistical hand-operated of mental Disorders for him to be bad news for a relationship? Frankly, I can't talk that question. But what you need to perceive is this: Often you can be seduced or sucked into a connection with a narcissist, believing you have just met your white knight. In time, though, you will perceive his armor isn't quite as shiny as it first appeared.
Indeed, you might be sucked into a connection with a narcissist because they can be quite charming. They often do know how to be romantic, and it isn't unusual for the sex to be great at first, too.
But then, after awhile, you might come to perceive it is more about him. You might feel he has to give a great performance, and you're always anticipated to commend him for a job well done, too. And rather than feeling closer to him, instead, you might feel you're becoming more and more like an object.
No, you don't feel like he genuinely loves you, or he wants only to be with you-though he probably acted that way in the beginning.
Perhaps this shouldn't surprise you, however. See, a connection with a narcissist is genuinely all about him. He treats others as objects. He doesn't have must use for other people, in fact, other than for how they might help him get his needs and wants met. And actually, a connection with a narcissist might seem to include great sex at first, but then gradually switch into sexual abuse.
The transition might be so gradual that you don't genuinely see the truth about what was happening-or where you have ended up. But if you stop and think about your sexual connection with the narcissist, you might well perceive you've been doing things that don't request for retrial to you sexually, but only to him. In fact, they might make you feel degraded and bad about yourself.
If you are in love with a narcissist, you might soon feel you're the victim of his narcissism even though at first, you thought you were the luckiest woman in the world to have captured the heart of this man. Well, at least you thought you had captured it, as he pulled you into a whirlwind romance and showered you with flowers and gifts, then whisked you off to romantic getaways.
The day will probably come, however, when you bemoan the fact he doesn't bring you flowers anymore.
In time, you may have many complaints about your connection with this narcissist, especially as the fog lifts and you see things more clearly. Yes, then you might perceive you were conned into mental this connection was going to be about things it finally was not.
You might recognize it is hardly a connection in the sense that you define the word. Rather, it is about you always worrying about what might please or displease him. It is about you doing things that you don't like, and that might even be against your personal values, for that matter.
You are trying so hard to please him, and for a join of reasons, too. You might believe this way, you can avoid his narcissistic rage. You also hope and pray he will go back to acting like the man he was in the beginning. You shouldn't expect this if you are in a connection with a narcissist, however.
Remember, that was an act to suck you in. Now, though, is he walking around being his self centered and grandiose self, inspiring in emotional abuse and verbal abuse that cause your self worth to slip away daily? If so, you are confronting the man he will probably continue to be.
You might be able to survive a connection with a narcissist. But someday, you need to wake up and ask yourself: Is this the way I genuinely want to live? After all, didn't I say I wanted a loving connection that was based on a solid partnership?
Don't expect that from the man displaying unhealthy levels of narcissism. No, remember, he doesn't have to be diagnosable as having full fledged Narcissistic Personality Disorder to make your life miserable.
And really, isn't life too short to spend it loving a narcissist who can't love you back? I decided against a connection with a narcissist, but you have to make your own choice.
I hope you get new knowledge about Narcissistic Personality . Where you may put to utilization in your evryday life. And most significantly, your reaction is passed about Narcissistic Personality .Sindhuram - Sindhuram Episode 31
Mother In Law - Sindhuram - Sindhuram Episode 31
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Sindhuram - Sindhuram Episode 31 Tube. Duration : 17.70 Mins.Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati - : 02/21/12
Mother In Law - Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati - : 02/21/12
Do you know about - Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati - : 02/21/12
Mother In Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about Mother In Law. You read this article for info on a person want to know is Mother In Law.How is Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati - : 02/21/12
Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati - : 02/21/12 Video Clips. Duration : 21.05 Mins.Meri Maa - 29th January 2012
Mother In Law - Meri Maa - 29th January 2012
Do you know about - Meri Maa - 29th January 2012
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Meri Maa - 29th January 2012 Video Clips. Duration : 14.60 Mins.Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati 07/12/11
Mother In Law - Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati 07/12/11
Do you know about - Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati 07/12/11
Mother In Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the true about Mother In Law. You look at this article for information about what you want to know is Mother In Law.How is Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati 07/12/11
Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati 07/12/11 Tube. Duration : 21.12 Mins.Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 366
Mother In Law - Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 366
Do you know about - Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 366
Mother In Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Mother In Law. You check this out article for facts about that need to know is Mother In Law.How is Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 366
Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 366 Tube. Duration : 19.00 Mins.Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati - : 03/14/12
Mother In Law - Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati - : 03/14/12
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Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati - : 03/14/12 Tube. Duration : 20.08 Mins.Sindhuram - Sindhuram Episode 1
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Sindhuram - Sindhuram Episode 1 Video Clips. Duration : 18.22 Mins.Kalyana Thilakam Serial - Episode -62
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Kalyana Thilakam Serial - Episode -62 Video Clips. Duration : 15.37 Mins.Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati - : 09/21/11
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Do you know about - Rishton Ke Bhawar Mein Uljhi - Niyati - : 09/21/11
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Mother In Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about Mother In Law. You see this article for information about what you wish to know is Mother In Law.How is Sindhuram - Sindhuram Episode 152
Sindhuram - Sindhuram Episode 152 Tube. Duration : 17.27 Mins.Maryaada... Lekin Kab Tak? - 5th December 2011
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More Results From » - The psychology of Addiction
Hi friends. Today, I learned all about More Results From » - The psychology of Addiction. Which is very helpful in my opinion so you. The psychology of AddictionOn why addiction is largely a state of the mind so addicts are more addicted to their addiction, the temporary feeling of pleasure, rather than the drugs...
What I said. It just isn't in conclusion that the real about More Results From ». You see this article for information on that want to know is More Results From ».More Results From »
Addiction is primarily psychological although addiction is defined agreeing to the physiological changes in the body, and addiction continues to be determined as a social, cultural, genetic and experiential process as well. Addictive behaviour could be explained as any behaviour that gives temporary or short term satisfaction and also provides relief from hurt although there may be long term adverse effects.
Addiction is generally described as dependence on any drug and results from substance abuse. Any drug or alcohol can furnish addiction as can other things such as the internet, gaming, gadgets, chocolates etc. Any way the corporeal and psychological effects of drugs and alcohol are detrimental and nothing else but supervene in loss of productivity, resignation and corporeal dependence and lack of concentration and such other conditions. The primary feature of addiction is dependence as an personel shows increased psychological and physiological dependence on the substance he is addicted to and without the addictive substance the person is unable to return to normal life.
Dependence on anything may not be too bad and some whole of group dependence is imaginable of us as group beings. Any way when there is inordinate dependence with inability to live without the substance in question, then resignation symptoms supervene and there are physiological changes in the body including pain and in some cases curative concentration is required. Addiction is an ultimate dependence and can cause population to lose sense of reality as population come to be cripple without the substance they are addicted to. Addiction leads to crime and anti-social behaviour as addicts can resort to violent behaviour, to stealing, to murder naturally to attain what they want. Addiction to a substance could be separated from salutary use of the substance such as some whole of alcohol is determined acceptable and salutary in a group setting but being completely dependent on alcohol to that which amounts to addiction can have adverse group and personal implications for the individual. Some of the tasteless addictive drugs and substances are opium, alcohol, nicotine and barbiturates. Giving up any addiction, requires power and this is largely the power of the mind that aids in stopping any addictive behaviour. Thus if addiction is a disease, the cure of addiction or even its arresting is largely a psychological process suggesting that the 'mind' is responsible for the addiction, the starting of it and also the end of it.
Using addictive substances stimulate and publish the satisfaction inducing neurotransmitters in the brain and the dependence on this feeling of satisfaction leads to more such satisfaction seeking behaviour and this can spiral out of control and doesn't remain within the control of the personel who then is completely controlled by his addiction rather than the other way round. resignation or abstinence symptoms of an addictive substance could contain anxiety, depression, craving, irritability, restlessness or even thoughts of suicide with fatal consequences. Craving, irritability, depression, anxiety are all psychological resignation symptoms of addiction although closely connected to the corporeal resignation symptoms. So addiction is largely in the mind and if a person wants, he or she can overcome this ultimate dependence on an activity or a substance straight through self control and with good understanding into his condition.
Why do population produce addiction?
People who produce addiction are more prone to reasoning illnesses as addiction has been connected to mood or affective disorders, to neurotic illnesses and obsessive disorders, to anxiety disorders and many other psychological problems. Addiction is largely akin to compulsion or the need to repeat any single behaviour in an abnormal dependent manner and addiction like compulsion is an abnormal dependence. Addicts are obsessed with the substance or objects or activity that they are addicted to and show an abnormal dependence on the substance or activity. Individuals with mood disorders or population prone to frequent depression are prone to addiction as any addictive substance or drug or even activity such as sex that gives short term satisfaction can cause the addict to return to this activity or substance again and again so that the depression is forgotten for a while. This need for short term satisfaction leads to repeated satisfaction seeking behaviour and thus creates addiction.
All human beings are necessarily satisfaction seekers, we all like to perceive that is good or beautiful or provides a moment of happiness but addicts are in turn addicted to this satisfaction as well. In fact addicts are addicted to the satisfaction and not to the drugs, which are naturally catalysts to contribute them this pleasure. The drugs and the objects as also the activities that they repeatedly engage in contribute them a solace that they feel they would not find in other options. There are of procedure chemical changes in the body so there are substantive proofs that addicts do get short term pleasure. Thus a drug addict repeated uses drug because it provides a single form of satisfaction that he will not get by say watching films and a sex addict repeatedly seeks sex because the satisfaction from sex agreeing to her may not be found in other activities such as travelling or reading. Any way this is only a trust that the addict has and is not necessarily true. In fact there is a sort of fixation of want, and an obsession with the object of want so an addict repeatedly thinks about this want and convinces himself that without the addictive substance he will not be able to survive. When love becomes an addiction, it can lead to suicide or fatal consequences when the object of desire is not attained.
Addicts are thus obsessed and largely depressed individuals who sometimes use the obsession against the depression or to overcome the depression. They are socially withdrawn although they may apparently have a huge circle of friends with whom they may not be able to enumerate at all levels. Addicts are also susceptible to hint and they are vulnerable to opinions of other people. Strange that it may sound, it is easy to mould or convert addicts and also easy to hypnotize them as they are very impressionable and nothing else but affected by what population and society have to say about them. This feebleness of addicts is also their power as both negative and clear influences can act equally well on addicts and the right advice would be valuable to show them what is good for them and what is bad.
How is addiction controlled and stopped?
Stopping or overcoming any addiction could be a challenge but as addicts are changeable and affected easily, it may be relatively easy to bring them back to normal life in case,granted they have the right type of advice and counselling.
One of the strategies that could be used to cure addictive behaviour would be 'diversion', providing alternative substances/activities or shifting their concentration or interest into something other than the addictive substance or object. As a Tv addict could be encouraged to produce more constructive habits of reading for instance.
'Substitution' would be an additional one formula and a person addicted to alcohol could be encouraged to take a drink that tastes like wine but does not contain alcohol.
'Eradication' or perfect unavailability of the addictive substance or object can slowly lead to forgetting the satisfaction giving substance and interests in other activities. The perfect unavailability of a drug, even a sleeping pill can lead to lessening of addiction for that drug and help the addict to produce other interests, although this should not be done instantly as physiological and psychological symptoms of resignation may result. So if person is addicted to a exact rehabilitation or pill, the doses could be slowly reduced before completely stopping intake of the drug.
Finally 'suggestion' or counselling to convert behaviour highlighting the bad effects of a drug or an obsessive activity could be efficient at a later stage after resignation from the drug or activity has been attempted as when in need of any substance, addicts lose all sense of reality and may not even want to listen to advice. So, only when their dependence reduces to an extent with the help of the other methods of substitution, eradication or diversion, counselling could help them to show more reasonable and socially responsible behaviour and preclude additional conditions of relapse.
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Mother In Law - Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 132:
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Mother In Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It isn't outcome that the actual about Mother In Law. You look at this article for information on a person wish to know is Mother In Law.How is Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 132:
Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 132: Video Clips. Duration : 26.45 Mins.Gurpal interview a man scared of his wife, played by Shekhar Suman - Episode 39
Mother In Law - Gurpal interview a man scared of his wife, played by Shekhar Suman - Episode 39
Do you know about - Gurpal interview a man scared of his wife, played by Shekhar Suman - Episode 39
Mother In Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the real about Mother In Law. You read this article for facts about anyone need to know is Mother In Law.How is Gurpal interview a man scared of his wife, played by Shekhar Suman - Episode 39
Gurpal interview a man scared of his wife, played by Shekhar Suman - Episode 39 Tube. Duration : 17.22 Mins.Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 22 :
Mother In Law - Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 22 :
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Mata Ki Chowki - : Episode # 22 : Tube. Duration : 23.28 Mins.Mata Ki Chowki - 07/14/11
Mother In Law - Mata Ki Chowki - 07/14/11
Do you know about - Mata Ki Chowki - 07/14/11
Mother In Law! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Mother In Law. You see this article for facts about what you need to know is Mother In Law.How is Mata Ki Chowki - 07/14/11
Mata Ki Chowki - 07/14/11 Tube. Duration : 20.87 Mins.Beat Cancer - Graviola and the Rainforest medical Powers
Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms - Beat Cancer - Graviola and the Rainforest medical Powers
Good evening. Today, I learned about Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms - Beat Cancer - Graviola and the Rainforest medical Powers. Which is very helpful for me and you. Beat Cancer - Graviola and the Rainforest medical PowersGraviola - Guanaban - Soursop - Part I
A Miracle Plant from the Amazon Region
Latin Name: Annona Muriaca
Narcissistic Mother In Law Symptoms
The Sane curative clarification and Cancer Cure - Scientifically Proven!!!!!
"The time has come" - how many times we are hearing this sentence, nevertheless it is true because we are living in times of huge challenges, changes and shifts where secrets of many distinct aspect of life are getting revealed to be known by the social - citizen also are more courageous to speak out what all should know and Yes, if millions Know a fact, those who are hiding solutions, will have to surrender.
The biggest lie about Cancer Treatments and Chemo Therapy
The Powers of Graviola (Guanabana in Brazil - Soursop Usa)
1) Beats 12 kind of types of cancer such as Breast Cancer, Abdominal Cancer, Ovary Cancer, Uterus Cancer, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Boon Cancer, Pancreas Cancer, Skin Cancer, Blood Cancer (Leukemia), Bladder Cancer, Liver Cancer
No Side Effects, Natural Nutrient Cure!!!
Salubrious way back to a healthy state
2) The Fruit contains a substance called Acetogenin that has been proven as 10.000 (ten thousand times) stronger as Acetogenin, the drug used for Chemo therapy all over the world with the corollary of 90% to 10% survivors only - a Bingo Game with the life of citizen in all nations because the cure is already known.
3) As it is a Nutrient it works from Inside Out - eating up the cancer cells, any kind of viruses, bacteria etc. Nutrients have no side effects on our body!!! - unbelievable, miraculous, But True (I had the honor to taste many citizen with cancer even in a very industrialized state who were getting well with a Power Juice containing Graviola and there are 1000s in Latin America who had the opportunity to know about it since 9 years of applications. Solution, Real Cure and constantly heal without Chemo. In case that the doctors ordain Chemo this special ready Juice has the powers to safe the healthy cells from burning and allows just the cancer cells to be destroyed, no nausea, no hair loss, neither any other base side effects taking that power plant of curative simultaneously.
My mom would not be alive without Graviola.
It is Time To Share and to Shake the World of Cancer and to shift the 90% to 10% into a 10% to 90% of survivors!!!
here is the opportunity to learn about a fact that there is something that has the power to cure cancer, that it has been scientifically proven and that it has been secret away from citizen because it comes from mom Nature and can not be patented in any way.
General Information: About the Plant:
Graviola is an ever green tree growing in the Amazon region of Brazil and in other countries that are touched by the Amazon Forest. It also grows in the tropical rainforest of North America. He grows up to 15 meter high covered with green, long and slick leaves. His divine fruit is green sometimes a bit yellow shining, has the form of a human heart with a skin seeing kind like a big cactus. Its white fruit flesh is eatable and citizen can buy it on the local Markets. The diameter of the fruit is 20 to 40 cm and local citizen are eating it out of the hand, the pulp is used to produce a refreshing sour-acid drink or as sorbet.
Indian Tribes use Graviola as treatment since Centuries
Graviola counts with a very long history in the tribal herbal natural medicine. There are curative substances in every part of the plant: a part of the powerful effects of the fruit we find high sufficient substances in the leaves, the roots, the trunk, the bark and the seeds. Indian Tribes know about the value of that miraculous tree and they are using the distinct parts tor many and diverse diseases and health Imbalances. Some examples:
In Brazil Roots, Trunk and leaves are used as sedative tee and against nervousness, in other Latin America countries as sedative and as heart tonic medium, also for Diabetes. The leave tee is also used for lever problems and mixed with olive oil it is used for Rheumatism, Arthritis and Osteoarthritis pain in Peru. In Brazil they put in order a aggregate out of an teenage fruit mixed with Olive oil as extern treatment against Arthritis and Rheumatism.
Leaves are also used against Parasites in Brazil and against Catarrh in Peru.
Fruit, Seeds and Leaves are applied against fever, all kind of parasites, worms, diarrhea, in Brazil also to help increasing the milk of women after giving birth.
In other countries such as Haiti, West Indies and Jamaica are using Graviola as anti spasmodic, sedative, coughs and flu, as nerve strengthening tee, for asthma, hypertension and all kind of parasites, diarrhea and problems at childbirth.
Graviola and Science -
Cancer investigate - Scientific Results on Graviola
The Graviola Fruit is already under investigate since the late 39 of last century - At that Time the science found out that the plant has components, natural principles and properties called "Annonacaeous Acetogenins", natural chemicals that are confirmed to be extremely sufficient against many kind of tumor cells with components that are found as toxins that kills the cancer cells in a very definite way. Plainly spoken Graviola has components that are able to cut off every cancer cell, to build a kind of bubble colse to it avoiding that the cancer cell can get any added nutrient, so it dies. The dead cancer cells are eliminated by the own body principles without any side effects. Those components are secret in all parts of the tree and in distinct aggregate they are used for many distinct kind of disease. They are documented as anti-microbus, anti-parasitic, antitumorous, anti-cancerous, anti-depressive and anti-spasmodic. Several study results have been published but few citizen reacted.
Since 1976 profound researches of the National Cancer compose of the Usa resulted in curing an "Adenocarcinoma" of the large intestine after short time. The therapeutic corollary confirmed the power of Graviola and her components. This powerful component has been discovered by the German investigate Scientist and Oncologist Helmut Keller and with three more Scientists they realized many studies on Graviola. As the Plant does Not Allow any chemical process without losing the curative powers never nobody got to know about this sufficient cancer treatment. Why??? - because it only works in natural form and a plant cannot be patented in any form, so the Pharmaceutical World and the Monopoles could not get any behalf from it and that is the fancy they hided the information.
Graviola contains very active, cytotoxic effects against cancer cells with a chemo therapeutic power that is 10.000 x stronger as Adriamicin, the drug that is used for traditional Chemo Therapy, - without any kind of side effects!
(Since a while the Hsi is gift now the copies of the results that can be bought for 25,00Usd)
After the confirmation that Graviola can cure Plainly Cancer the National health compose has indicated 20 Labs to studies the plant during 20 years without any corollary to transform the active principles into a valid remedy. At the end they gave up and let the miraculous findings in the drawer of their institutes.
Since 1996 other groups of scientists did researches on Graviola and found out that the fruit possesses characteristics against tumor formation and that it produces selective toxins against distinct kinds of cancer cells, without attacking healthy cells. They confirmed the findings of their results were published 8 distinct clinical studies.
The distinct studies of distinct laboratories resulted in improbable findings that the Acetogenines of Graviola have an unbeatable component in arresting of enzyme formations, which are only found in the diaphragm by tumors and cancer cells. That is the reason, why they are poisonous only for cancer cells without attacking healthy cells. The Acetonines recognize the sick cells isolates the private cancer cells and for missing nutrients the cancer cell dies.
In the year 1997 a small group of scientists found out, that Graviola contains also alkaloids which have an anti-depressive effect. In the same year the Pardu University published the information that they discovered even more powers within Graviola. Their clinical studies confirmed that the "Annonacae Acetonine" in Graviola are so effective, that they do not only kill normal cancer cells, but that they are also very sufficient in killing those cancer cells that are resistant on Chemo Therapy. This investigation explained how that is possible: Those cancer cells that survive the Chemo Therapy are developing resistance against many other kind of drugs, called Multi-Drug-Resistant (Mdr) what makes them immune against any treatment and leads the sick person 100% to death.
After 20 Year of investigate the Pharma industry got aware of the Plant and started investigate by their own seeking a form and way to transform the active principles and components into a cancer remedy. They also failed. Graviola does not allow any kind of chemical reproduction. It is reconfirmed that Graviola only works as it grows in nature and it beats cancer best then any synthetic drug or heavy poison rays. Until today many distinct groups of scientists are still researching to originate a similar stock as Annonacins and it still works only like it grown in Nature.
All that information has been kept in secret because Pharmacies could not transform it into something that would give them a huge profit. So they gave proof that they are not surely concerned in heal citizen but in production huge profits from those who are already sufficiently secret by the disease itself. Why would somebody originate so many unnecessary pain when there is something much stronger and without any life threatening side effect.
At the end of the nineties one of the Scientists who was part of one of the investigate teams broke the silence for reasons of consciousness and some of the reports were accessible for the treatment world. Simultaneously some citizen from Brazil got kind of divine advice to go to the Amazon and to study the Plants of the Rainforest. They were integrating the native citizen to learn from them as their knowledge about curative plants of the Rainforest is reaching back in time for many centuries.
The good thing is that for one time in this world the science is Not seeing a way of manipulation - the power of curative cancer lies in Graviola and Several added plants that God preserved to be used like the Almighty lets it grow. It is a blessing for Mankind and a gift from mom Earth - A wake up call to become known and to start honoring the gifts we have forgotten that they exist. When we destroy the rainforests we destroy the lungs of our planet and without oxygen all life will die. We need to open up our hearts to understand that all what we taste has a clarification and all what we suffer of distinct kind of disease has a natural way of cure in nature.
Graviola shows us the way
Nutritive Values of Graviola
Iron, potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, Selenium, zinc,
Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin C
In addition
Dietary fibers, Tannin, Proteins, Lipides
Ethno-medical Uses of Graviola in distinct Tropical Countries and Usa
Latin America:
Abscesses, Tumors, Edemas, Worms, all kind of Parasites, Bronchitis, Breathing Difficulties, Coughs, Diabetes, Digestive Imbalances, Dysentery, Intestine Parasites, the Intestinal/Colic Attacks, Fever, Liver Problems, Neuralgias, Nervousness, normal Body Pain, Rheumatism, Tetanus
Tumors of all kind, Intern Ulcers, Parasites, Lice, Hypertension Diabetes, Dysentery, Indigestion, Inflammation, Flu, Liver Disorders, Spasms, Fever and as a Sedative
Tumors, Ulcers, Parasites, Worms, Digestive Disorders (Dyspepsia), Diarrhea and Kidney Problems: Renal insufficiency - Renal Failure
Tapeworm, Indigestion, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Fever, Chest Colds, Ringworm, Scurvy, Styptic (bleeding)
The Caribbean:
Colds, chills, fever, flu, diarrhea, indigestion, nervousness, palpitations, rash, spasms, skin disease, and as a sedative and calmative agent
Gallbladder Problems, Nervousness, as a Sedative and Calmative Agent, Childbirth
Parasites, Lice, Flu, Digestive Sluggishness, Diarrhea, Fever, Coughs, Pain, Weakness, Wounds, Pellagra, Nervousness, Cardiopathy, Spasms, Sedative, Lactation Aid after Childbirth,
Parasites, Worms, Asthma, Fevers, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Lactation Aid after Childbirth, Nervousness, Sedative, Spasms, Tetanus, Water keeping and normal Weakness,
Ringworms, Blood Cleaning Agent, Hypertension, Palpitations, Fainting, Insomnia, Lactation Aid after Childbirth, Flu,
Cancer, Tumors, Ulcers, Fungal Infections, Intestine Parasites, Hypertension, Depression
Asia - Malaysia
Furuncles, Coughs, Colds, Diarrhea, Dermatosis, Hypertension, Rheumatism, and to cut Bleeding
British West Indies:
Tumors, Intestine Parasites, Asthma, Childbirth, Lactation Aid, Hypertension
Other Countries:
Cancer, Kidney Problems, Bladder Insufficiency, Liver Disorders, Dysentery, Malaria, Stomach Problems, Ringworm, Lice, Parasites, Childbirth, Asthma, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Scurvy and as a Sedative
Native Wisdom
After learning about ethnological treatment and their high evolved knowledge we should ask ourselves who is more advanced. They have no hospitals and they have No Cancer or did you ever see a Native in a Cancer group of a Hospital? They do not have Laboratories, they don't transform any plant into a pill and they are heal.
The Natives still show us today how to live with nature and how nature provides all what we need for a healthy life. What do we as the so called Civilized World with Nature and with ourselves? We allow destructive exploitation, depletion, exhaustive cultivation, robber economy, not only with mom Nature but also with our own lives. We burn the candle at two ends disrespecting the holiness of our body. We abuse a maximum and the end is deadly disease. Is that a wonder? No it is just a consequence of our issues, our habits, our believe systems and our actions, of out thoughts, words and the quality to look away when things are not in harmony with the cosmic order. We just don't care when it does not hit us personally. To heal surely we have to heal All The Realms we are living in otherwise we only get a momentum cure. Can you feel that? It is Not a ask of insight but of feeling!!!!! We shot our feelings down
You go against your feelings and you get sick!!!
How many times a day we do that???? We have to come back to the heart and stand up to safe the natural resources that are still intact like the rainforest as biggest source of curative plants that exists in our world.
A German physician made holiday in the Amazon Region and he was wondering how many natural remedies are there on the market. He took some of the to try and as I started to teach in Germany about Graviola and the Rainforest he showed up and said: I am director of a Hospital and I was seeing for a way to make citizen the Amazonian curative Powers available. I our Hospital we have a new principles and are open for alternative curative methods. We offer open Seminaries and you can come whenever you want to talk about cancer and other disease. I did for Diabetes..... It was amazing
So the Western Countries are learning about Graviola and the curative Powers of Graviola, the miraculous fruit that brings never ending surprises to citizen with cancer and other heavy disease. Graviola is a opportunity for all those who are secret by Cancer or one of the other diseases of civilization.
This Newsletter again is a Wake up Call and a opportunity to survive Cancer. I
Graviola is not only a miracle against cancer cells, but has also components (results of researches) that can eliminate other chemicals like cortisone, drugs and all kind poisons in our body. This is Unique as Cortisone remains into people's bodies forever with the horrendous side corollary that citizen are gaining weight fro nothing. Graviola is the power of life that is able to clean all poisons we are exposed today in our daily life in air, water and nutrients. It has the phenomenal natural potency to clean and to regenerate our body cells. Just remember that our body is the Holy Temple of Life that deserves all our respect because the body makes us the gift to be alive and to taste this phenomenal personal journey on this gorgeous planet, to have fun and grow in all senses when we maintain us in a healthy state.
This Plant and many others are a gift of Divine Source and mom Earth preserved for our times to remember the love we should have for our divine vehicle, for ourselves and for all life. Divine Source and mom Earth have the medium for citizen who have lost faith in the daily battle for survival.
This fruit has the form of a huge heart to show you even by its form that only the heart can heal without any kind of human manipulation, pure and natural like it is given.
A diminutive insight of my own experiences:
As Multi-Dimensional Free Way Healer I learned to go level to the cause of a disease that is created by denying feelings, psychic shocks, and heavy experiences on heart and soul level as well as body misuse of any kind. It can be karmic origin or even living on a place that is over poisoned by electricity or environmental. Nevertheless we can never get sick when our body defense is working properly and that opens the door to all what we experience. The way of cause and corollary never fails and even incurable disease is curable by cosmic law. I always was driven to the Rainforest and I knew deep within that some kind of cure for the corporeal body should exist in that huge natural pharmacy of mom Earth. I asked God to get something into my hands that helps citizen faster to understand and faster to heal so they can learn on big scale and not just one by one.
7 years ago - I was at about to travel to Germany and the day before a friend of my spiritual group from years ago over sudden crossed my way and she asked me when I am going to travel again to Germany and if I could help the next time I go to open an firm that sells Amazon Natural Nutrients that are a power house of curative and there is nobody who speaks well German. Well, the word Amazon was hitting me like an electric shock and I was just going the next day... Is this the write back of my prayers I thought. After one week something drove me to get in touch and I felt the enforcement to call. The representative came to gift the products, 7 at that time. He started to interpret each one and as I held the bottle of a aggregate of Graviola and 6 other anti cancerous components in my hands instantaneously my whole body was increasing great heat waves and source transmitted: that is what you have asked for. Of policy I studied all I had to and stood in Germany for 9 month to get the information out fighting the meanings and beliefs of traditional cancer cure.
There are so many cases I was testimony of that it would fill books and it would made you cry as it does with 100s of citizen when they hear at the each year conferrence citizen telling their stories of survival in the last occasion - their despair facing death and their families without a penny left because no insurance would take the bills anymore - house selling all they have to safe a beloved one.
One friend of mine Brazilian Plastic surgery master got Leukemia Myeloid and the needed urgently a cell transplant - she was on a list number 989 - I past 4 month with her working on her and ultimately we could way the products and the physician of the firm said to her: You know that you are in the hands of God? Yes - but nevertheless we will give it a try - you got to take 5 distinct products and we found a sponsor - today she has a foundation for abandoned animals - she left her wheel chair behind and she is fine!!!!
All those experiences are divine one by one but I think that more citizen need to know about it - from mouth to mouth it is just to slow - there are so many citizen suffering for nothing. The Lady who became director of the German firm had 5 types of cancer - 5 children - her best friend a director of a Hispital - he told her to go home and to spend the last time with her children - that his art has come to an end and that he is so sorry. At home a friend passed by and told her about those products - she loves life and she took one stock only - after a week she felt stronger - her life powers came back she felt that she could make it and she said she would only go and show up front of her physician and friend when she was fine. After 6 month she visited him in the hospital - he cried and asked what she did - she talked about the products and halleluiah the physician today is working in his hospital with those products too. There is not only hope There Is curative Out There and citizen need to be informed!
Here some more evidence I found in distinct reports of the 100 strongest secret Cures:
Cancer "Magic Bullet" Discovered - but drug giant hushes it up!
10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy with no adverse side effects
Daryl S. Had 12 Tumors In His Prostate. But he received a cutting-edge treatment that helped save his life. And... In 3 months, his Psa dropped And The Tumors Disappeared
How? Daryl's secret was the help of an phenomenal tree that grows deep in the Amazon rainforest. Called Graviola, it may well prove to be the extreme cancer-fighter. Studies by the National Cancer compose already show that Graviola excerpt is 10,000 times stronger than top chemotherapy drugs...
Yet it's improbable precision hunts down cancer cells while leaving healthy cells completely alone! Graviola just seems to "know" which cells to kill and which to avoid. There's no nausea, no hair loss, no weight loss, no weakening of the immune system.
The news about Graviola sent shockwaves straight through Hsi's ample curative network. But the story behind Graviola is just as shocking.
As we learned, this lifesaving discovery was very nearly denied to mankind. And I'm sorry to say the fancy is that somebody sat on the research. The trail of evidence clearly shows...
For 7 long years, a billion-dollar drug firm covered it up!
What's more, this is surely not the first time that something like this has happened. Following is a textbook example of how contemporary drug investigate works, and how your health falls victim to the pursuit of money and power:
It all started in the early 1990s, when this customary drug giant started pouring money into the crusade for a cancer cure...
What gave Jacqueline the power to Conquer Breast Cancer?
Jacqueline Had Breast Cancer, but she also had a huge advantage in her battle. Best of all, it works by using your own body's army of natural "killer cells." So, it surely makes you feel more energetic, rather than sapping your strength. Like many such firms, they were intrigued by the curative powers of rainforest plants. They discovered that Graviola was being used by Amazon Indians to treat a huge range of diseases. And when they tested its cancer-fighting powers, bingo, they discovered a revolution...
But you can't make megabucks from any cure Unless You Patent It...
And no one can patent a tree that's been colse to for millions of years. So the drug firm tried for seven years to come up with manufactured duplicates. But they hit a brick wall. Try as they might, they couldn't match mom Nature. Finally, they tossed in the towel...
Okay, they're in firm to make money. Fine. But let me ask you...
If the investigate files for this breakthrough were sitting on your desk, what would you do with them? Call a news conference? Send out press releases?
At the very least, wouldn't you issue them all in a prominent curative journal? After all, more than 6 million Americans have died from cancer in the last few decades.
Think how many might have been saved if a discovery like this had been available. But, instead of turning it over to independent researchers.......-
They boxed it up, put it on the shelf - And Turned Off The Light
Happily, one courageous researcher just couldn't live with that decision. He spilled the beans... And the corollary may turn out to be the most life-saving substance on earth. More clinical trials are needed, but more than 20 studies to date have already established that...
Graviola can wipe out 12 types of cancer cells, including breast, prostate, colon, lung and pancreatic tumors
Yet, unlike any chemotherapy drug, it leaves healthy cells undamaged.
A miracle? Perhaps. Yet even now, not one drug firm we know of has picked it up and run with it.
Why? Same reason. No one can legally patent it.
Are you starting to see?
Amazon Miracle Tree fights much more than cancer
While scientific investigate on Graviola has focused on its cancer-fighting powers, the tree has been used for centuries by tribal healers to treat an phenomenal array of diseases:
*muscle spasm
*diarrhea neuralgia
My record continues here: Healings -Cures - and Lies about approved Treatments
True example: In Germany one of the Patients of Dr. D. Hamer (working on the psychic shocks for cancer cure) suffered breast Cancer and she was asked three times in the hospital if she is Jewish and she denied - she had house members who were but she wasn't. She was wondering first why they asked that. The next day other physician appeared in her Hospital room gift her a heavy treatment apart of the chemo therapy and he told her that citizen with cancer have only 10% chances to survive but she could be one of the 10% when she would accept this improbable expensive proposal. The got aware of why she was asked if she is Jewish and as it was not the same doctor, she answered, sorry I cannot do that as I am Jewish - the physician replied: oh I didn't know and leaving the room he remarked: you will be fine anyways...... Can you believe that? But that is the truth about heavy and expensive treatments and citizen believe the Chemo (90% are not production it) and suffer for nothing.... The Lady reported the doctors and left the hospital. One thing is the big lie about Cancer - the other side has the clarification and is not sufficiently known yet to help many citizen and children avoiding so much unnecessary pain. You will become porter of the secret - during May I will send out a record about the plant and how to get the juice stock that is salvage 1000s of lives since 9 years in Latin America and 5 other countries - not in Usa yet apart of some friends of mine I sent the stock to help them get well.
(She is German and the record is to find on Dr Hamer's German Website)
What more can I say now as that I have experiences with Graviola since 7 years - As I learned by advice how cases are set into petition that ends up in heavy disease or communicate disease, even aids is one of the biggest lies, during this year I will issue more reports on products and natural powers for many of diseases that are used by the science to as a good revenue instead to fill in about straightforward cures from inside out. Graviola helps reproducing the killer cells without our body that is the fancy self defense it growing fast as the own body helps the nutrients to fight the sick cells in the body structure -any of them.
The most recent studies in Brazil have confirmed that the stock aggregate with Graviola has a component that kills even the Hospital Virus - this is a killer virus without cure until today that is 1000% deadly - we got results that are amazing. In the meanwhile the component who does that that been found.
We are working to get information out to doctors and alternative healers. There is so much to learn and to do because the most shift has to be done in education. It is not easy to teach citizen who have been driven in only one direction to believe denying all other ways,even if their own life depends on that.
The fancy of cancer is a psychic shock and it is not so difficult to learn about it - recreate your life from inside out and use the fruits, plants and natural elements that mom Earth grows so we can get well. Let's open our hearts and minds for the Amazon Rainforest and join citizen work fro the protection of this last wonder of an intact ecosystem and stop burning down 5000 quadrate miles each day so some citizen can make their profit. They are killing life itself and we are the crown of creation and should honor all Life in first place as holy!!!!
And don't forget: Miracles of life are there for everybody
Blessings and time for reflection
Regina E.H.Ariel
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