More Results From » - psychology in the Internet: Why Are Forum annotation Posters Too Hotheaded?
Good afternoon. Now, I learned about More Results From » - psychology in the Internet: Why Are Forum annotation Posters Too Hotheaded?. Which may be very helpful if you ask me therefore you. psychology in the Internet: Why Are Forum annotation Posters Too Hotheaded?Whenever something gets posted on the Internet and there's that proverbial criticism box, it is roughly always thinkable, that at some point, what's supposed to be an educated conference breaks down into a brutal word war. Why oh why?
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You've seen this trend in news articles, forum threads, personal blog posts, video clips, and pretty much all else that allows audience participation. It seems that any social forum sinks into sheer chaos when left on its own for quite some time. Many observers would say, "Well, there's just those guys who were born to annoy other guys."
Instead of dismissing the whole issue with just one sweeping remark, let us take a more full, look at the situation and talk about the real precursors of this unfortunate phenomenon.
Quest For Validation
Every human being yearns for his existence to be recognized. He wants validation. For some, this validation comes from successes in their chosen vocation path, or may from love and affection advent from friends. However, there are those instances when a someone looks for a kind of validation that these two customary avenues are unable to provide.
Thus, when a someone holds on to a clear principle and decides to hold on to it real tight, any someone who tramples upon them would then be met with stringent opposition. Basically, the most base cause of catfights is one someone hitting another person's raw nerve, which, of course, will elicit a verbally violent reaction,
No base Ground
The most base forum threads (where the invective exchanges take place) are those that are whether about religion or politics. More often than not, these are the same topics whose very basic premises are under heavy debate, more so for the conclusions that were derived from them. This is the same hypothesize why two strangers should never talk about topics like these, aside from occasions where they're in a church or a partisan political gathering.
Imagine a Buddhist, a Confucian, a Shinto and a Christian debating about the existence and definition of free will as a Divine Gift. Well, you can forget about the first three, just think about the same scenario between a Pentecostal minister and a Methodist.
Prejudice and Discrimination
Sadly, this is one of the most base causes of literary battles on the Internet. Even if we claim to be a "more equal" society, there are still those population who believe in the superiority of a clear social group over others just because it is so. To say that these population are "racist" is unquestionably a misnomer, as they can also discriminate based on creed, orientation, nationality, and pretty much any other social classification there is.
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